
Organizational Innovation Analysis

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This particular study will use Coca-Cola Company in the United States as a case study to review the possible organization challenges and the various appropriate remedies provided by this particular company to compete favorably and remain the largest distributor of beverages like soda and refined water bottle and juice among others. Coca-Cola Company has remained the major distributor of beverages in the United States due to its high levels of innovativeness.

Competitors’ Current Trends of Innovation
The marketing team in Coca-Cola Company is all through assessing the competitors’ trends of innovation. The feedback from such assessment is recorded and used internally for technology improvements. Appropriate technology is used to analyze the competitors’ trend in the industry such information is essential for strategic planning. There are quite a number of multi-national companies producing beverages, but due to limited resources and technology, Coca-Cola has remained to be the publicly accepted Company due to its high innovativeness in the production and supply chain.

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Competitors’ current trend analysis on innovation has been used by Coca-Cola Company in demand forestation and appropriate technology adoption that enables it to compete favorably with other competitors. The Coca-Cola Company has adopted policies and procedures which are tailored towards supporting innovation in every department.

Organization’s innovativeness as compared to its Competitors.
Coca-Cola Company remains at the peak not only in the United States but all over the world. This is because Coca-Cola Company trade secrets comprise of highly innovative production, distribution, and marketing mechanisms which overdo other competitors in the industry (Bahrami, & Evans, 2000). Despite that manufacturing of concentrates used in Coca-Cola beverages are only done in one center, this has never posed any technological challenges in the production of beverages across the world.

There is no other company which has made an attempt to produce similar brands as that of the Coca-Cola Company. This is due to the innovativeness of Coca-Cola Company. The adoption of Just in Time and ABC Analysis by the Coca-Cola Company has made them meet requirements of an anticipated demand both in the peak season and off-peak season hence making its operations cost-effective.

Stakeholders’ responsibility and capacity towards supporting innovation
Stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities in the organization are well defined to minimize conflicts and blame games in the due process of change management. The shareholders are highly funding this particular company so that it achieves the best technology that will render it meet customer requirements. The media is highly impressed by the increased expansion of the company all over the world making the media reflect positively on the company, and there are minimal customer complaints presented to the media hence increasing Coca Cola’s credibility (Kodama, 2003).

The government is supporting innovative activities to ensure that there is the creation of employment opportunities to its citizens and act as a source of revenue to the government through taxes and other levy fees. Several policies and laws have been enacted supporting Coca-Cola and other multi-national companies’ innovative operations. Satisfaction of employees who are internal customers of Coca-Cola Company has led to increased innovation in their workplace.

Organizational structure, systems and people on the implementation of innovative principles and practices.

Coca-Cola Company is a multi-national company. Therefore, it has improved structures which facilitate faster innovation adaptability. The available systems facilitate information sharing at the least possible time, making decision making the process faster for the satisfaction of the demand requirements. Coca-Cola Company has adopted employee motivation approaches and appraisal mechanism which is tailored to enhance organization innovation principles and practices implementation effectively. Coca-Cola Company in the United States has one of the most skilled employees who are highly adaptable to the innovations in the industry (Greve &Taylor, 2000). Innovation is being one of the major aspects prioritized not only by the organization but by every individual working at the Coca-Cola Company.

  • Bahrami, H & Evans (2000): Flexible Recycling and High Technology Entrepreneurship.
  • Greve H.R &Taylor (2000): Innovation as a catalyst for organizational changes. Shifts in organizational cognition and change.
  • Kodama M (2003): Strategic Innovation in Traditional Big Business. Case studies of Two Japanese Companies.

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