
Professional Unionization

377 words | 2 page(s)

Response One
Unions can assist in bringing together various experts and this is essential towards strategic improvement in professional practice. This is because the parties and individuals that are involved in the formation of the unions can have the platforms through which they can share information and ideas that are elemental towards improvement of professional practice (Charles, 2004). The collaboration inspired by unions can also motivate the presentation and formulation of policies and regulations of operation that can enhance professional practice through accommodating the interests of various experts.

Response Two
In order to ensure that the unions operate effectively, they charge the members some dues ta is usually taken away from their pay (Christian, 2012). The amount of charges that the members are charged are proportions of their pays and his money is used in addressing various issues associated with the operations of the unions. Therefore, the logistical and organization operation of these union sis fully funded by its members through the agreed charges that are taken upon consent.

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Response Three
One of the essential functions of the unions is that it assist in fighting for the rights of the members. One of the essential principles of operation in the union sis integrity and transparency. Therefore, this is usually manifested in the manner which the unions ensure that all the members get access to the resources available for utility in their professional practice (Christian, 2012). Therefore, both the senior and new members of the union are equally represented in the organization. However, the influential members of the unions may have favors to pursue their interests at the expense of the other members.

Response Four
Unionization assists in advocating for initiatives that are likely to increase the level of job motivation of the employees which is elemental toward enhancing satisfaction. This is because these unions pursue the interests of the members that constitute issues that are intimate to their operation (Charles, 2004). Therefore, pursuing the interests of the members may lead to strikes, but their ultimate effect is increased level of motivation which is important to productivity. However, these strikes and activities of the unions may paralyze organizational operations.

  • Charles, R. (2004). Managing the Healthcare Professionals through Unions. New York: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
  • Christian, C. (2012). Healthcare Professional Unionization. London: CRC Press.

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