
IT Staff Trouble Shooting

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Operating system installation issues
Problem. Blue Screen of Death(BSOD)
BSOD is an error that appears on a blue screen to signify a spoilt or malfunction device drivers.
Solution. Boot the machine in safe mode or Carry out a system restore.

Problem. Failure to boot
This may be due to alterations in the boot order or due to a corrupt operating system.
Solution: Go into BIOS menu and check the boot sequence. If that fails, perform a clean install of OS.

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Problem. Dual booting
When installing a new operating system, you may still require your current windows and installation,
Solution: Extend drive into two partitions or install new windows on a different drive partition.

Problem. Wrong Hard disk format
Most operating systems can only be installed on a drive that is a specific file type, for instance, windows can only be installed on gpt disks.
Solution. Ensure that the hard drive and its file system is compatible with OS you are about to install.

Troubleshooting TCP/IP
Step 1. Identify problem source: Using a logical approach is key when solving any problem. Ask yourself the following questions when troubleshooting TCP/IP connection;
What is working already?
What is not working?
How are the working and non-working related?
Have the non-working things worked before?
If yes, what alterations have been made since they last worked?
All windows servers contain diagnostic, administration, configuration tools that can be used when troubleshooting problems to do with TCP/IP configuration.

Step 2. Troubleshoot
This step describes techniques used to determine problems with the TCP/IP protocol stack.
Begin from the bottom and move up the stack.
Begin from the top and move down the stack.

Step 3. Repair the connection: Network repair feature can be used to rapidly restore network settings in order to restore configuration issues.
Step 4. Verify Connection: Check all configuration connection settings using the below commands
Ipconfig/all: displays all default routers, IP address, and DNS settings

Step 5. Verify Configuration: use netsh command to verify the configuration
Step 6. Manage Configuration: manually configure the address using netsh command, in some cases, it may be configured automatically.
Step 7. Verify reachability:
flush and check neighbor cache.
flush and check destination cache.
ping router.
route and test the remote destination.
Step 8. Check packet filtering

DNS Servers
Cause. DNS Server network failure
Solution. ensure that the server has a functioning network connection. Check hardware (network and cables adapters)
If the server is functioning and prepared correctly, use the ping command to check network connectivity by contacting other routers or computers within the same network of affected DNS Server.

Cause. DNS Server is reachable via network testing, but not to DNS queries from clients.
Solution. if the client is able to ping the DNS server, ensure that DNS is on and able to respond and listen to a clients’ request. Use nslookup command to test Server response to clients.

Cause. DNS Server is configured to limit its service to specific IP addresses. IP used for testing not included.
Solution. if the server has been previously configured to limit service for responding to queries, it could be that clients trying to contact Server have their IP addresses restricted from receiving service.
Test the server for a response using a different IP, If the server responds, add the IP address to the list

Cause. DNS Server is configured to automatically disable default lookup zones.
Solution. Ensure automatically created lookup zones are created or no advanced configurations have been done to the server.
The DNS Server by default creates three standard lookup zones according to Request for Comments(RFC) suggestions.

Backup and Restore
The majority of server restore and backup failures happen due to the permission settings of the user running the restore and backup commands. When a backup failure occurs, the first thing to be checked should be the permissions of the user logged in.
Go to Local Security Policy in Administrative tools
Under Security settings > local policies >, find User Rights Assignment.
Add user or group
Set permissions

Disk Space
The main reason for some backup failures is not enough space for the back-up. The size of the space required for a backup relies on the data stores. Factors such as the number of groups and users, the number of published extracts all add to the ultimate size of the backup. To solve this issue
Solution 1. Decrease the amount needed to backup Server
This can be done by deleting repository files and old log files. The same command can be used to clean up both files within the same directory, but one can only be executed when service is running while the other cannot.

Solution 2. Free Space enough for a backup
If not enough space can be freed by cleaning up repository or log files, free up space manually from the drive even if you are forced to move files to a different location.
Solution 3. Point backup to temporary folder on another disk

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