
A Critical Response To Stanley Fish’s ‘The Woe-Is-Us Books.’

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In his article ‘The Woe-Is-Us Books,’ Stanley Fish talks about the combined influence of law, education and society in human learning and the books used in learning. Fish talks about his presentation for a conference with a special interest in the fate of liberal arts. Rise emphasizes that he read a wide range of literature including books from various authors in order to come with a wide scope if ideas. The change of perspective regarding education and the use of books associated with liberal arts is the major issue pointed out by fish in his article.

Fish argues that the books that are used in the education system today have influenced the status of the liberal arts education. He points put some of the most common areas the books and the educational materials cover and their roles in the determination of the educational alignment in the society today. The books that are used in the learning institutions today offer specific recommendations while there are others that are general because of the unexceptionable approach they give to the educational entities that promote the development of various entities among the learners. The prioritization of various entities in the public resources like a national teaching academy is one of the recommendations given by Taylor.

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One of the aspects that Fish points is the variance that exists in the books in terms political and style inflection. The points of arguments for the books is similar but the detailed information and recommendations vary significantly. Most of the information that is passed by the books is characterized by massive ambiguity because of their inability to point out specific issues and the distinct recommendations that can be used towards the management and mitigation of the apparent issues.

Fish points out that the authors adhere on some essential perspectives that include the accommodation of the corporate models in the learning institutions with special interests towards optimizing the profits that are made at the learning institutions. Most of the learning institutions do not provide standards education that is customized to the needs of the society, and this has been influential towards the loss of strategic focus on some institutions. This can be attributed to the massive of the academic values that have escalated in the society today. The level of innovations has been reduced by the structural and functional orientation of the education system. Some of the authors also argue that the education system has failed in the production of democratic citizens. However, Fish points out it is not the responsibility of the university to produce good citizens that are democratic.

Fish points out that, just like him, some of the authors have identified some of the problems that surround the liberal arts education. The placement of priorities in the education system and the liberal arts entities is a major issue that has caused the problem in the universities. He argues that there is an urgent need for the education system in the liberal arts to start all over against as a practical way of enhancing the relevancy of the subject in the society.

I feel Rose has pointed out issues that are intimate to the status of liberal; arts education in the society and they need an urgent address. The diagnosis that he has given the entity with detailed reference to some of the literature that is used in the institutions of higher learning, it is evident that the liberal arts education needs realignments in order to orient the education system towards promoting high standards of relevance to the current political, social, educational needs.

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