
A Learning Experience

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More often than not, people learn more from their day to day lives than they do from what would be considered to be a typical learning environment. This does not mean that there are not lots of things that must be learned through school, but it does mean that there are lots of things that are better learned through experiences. These types of lessons shape who a person is and how they see the world. For example, math lessons must be taught in a school setting but the importance of family and friends can best be learned through experiences. I remember when I nearly lost my cousin and aunt to a car accident. Sitting next to them and waiting for them to get better taught me that family is very important, the people in our lives are there for a reason, and life should be lived to the fullest.

It was on New Year’s Eve when I was twelve years old. I was angry because I wanted to go to my friend’s house to celebrate the holiday but my family had always celebrated together at my grandmother’s home. My mother had told me that my cousin, who I had not seen since that summer, was coming in for the celebration and I remember thinking that she was probably the reason I had to go. Granted, we had always had a good time together since we were only three months different in age, but I really wanted to go to my friend’s house. So when I got there, I did not talk to my cousin very much. She tried to tell me about her school year and how the trip in had seemed to take forever because she was so excited. I simply put my headphones in and ignored her as I texted my friend and looked at pictures from her celebration.

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After the ball dropped, my aunt decided that she would run out to the store to pick up some more items that she needed for cooking breakfast the next morning. My cousin, having been ignored all night, wanted to go with her. She looked at me, in a last ditch effort to gain my attention, and asked “Do you want to come along? Maybe my mom will get us a game or something to do.”

“No,” I replied, “I think I will just sleep through this little affair.” They loaded up into their car and I curled up on the sofa and went to sleep.

Soon after, I was awaken with the whole family in a frantic rush to get dressed. A drunk driver had hit my aunt’s car and they were both in critical condition. All I could think about was how mean I had been to her all night long and how I may never get a chance to make up for it.

Sitting next to her at the hospital, I whispered my apologies and swore that I would be a better cousin. My mother hugged me and said, “she knows, honey. I am sure that she has friends at her home that she would like to have celebrated with as well.” That made me feel a bit better, but I knew that I had been wrong in the way that I had acted.

Fortunately, my cousin and her aunt made a full recovery and I was able to spend some much needed time with my family. I still value my friends, as I should, but I never put anyone or anything above my family. Life is short and it can end in the blink of an eye. Make sure that your family always knows that you love them, value them, and enjoy the gift of their time.

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