
A Novel Video Encryption Algorithm-Based On Speaker Voice As The Public Key

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The privacy and security of data transmission is one of the major issues leading to the advancement of the digital media in the past decades. Video encryption algorithm is both secure and applicable in the general and the symmetric cryptographic keys. The multimedia technology that has often been used by public users has resulted to major exchange problems. The responsibility is taken by trusted intermediate authorities. The study proposes a typical video encryption algorithm for generation of a public key that eliminates the need for a third party in key exchange. The public key generated from the speaker’s voice is used for the encryption of the transferred digital media through an open communication channel. The results of the study conducted to test the hypothesis demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is secure with 5.4 ms encryption time on average. The value is significantly smaller compared to the secure video algorithms for encryption (Al-Hazaimeh, Alhindawi, & Otoum).

The security of the multimedia systems is marked as a major issue in the networked infrastructure and the transmission of data through secluded systems. The security of the data is enhanced by use of cryptography, a technique that is used in protection of data that is generated via open networks. It also includes the transmission of unreadable data. The major drawback in this technique is that most of the algorithms used in the encryption and decryption only deal with text data. The latter makes the algorithms unsuitable for multimedia technologies including pay-TV, video conferencing, video broadcast, and Video-On Demand. Characteristically, the digital multimedia content is a combination of image frames, text, and audio elements.

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In order to protect the contents of the digital multimedia, the security approaches that are software-based have presented viable solutions that can accommodate both read and write data access. This allows for data protection against unauthorized access. The encryption algorithms can either be symmetric or asymmetric. The project will make use of the symmetric key encryption due to the sustainability of the technique with digital multimedia content encryption. Other encryption algorithms considered include the four categories of video encryption algorithms. These include: permutation encryption algorithm, completely encryption algorithms, and perceptional and selective encryption algorithms.

The completely encryption algorithm work by the initial compression of the entire video followed by encryption of the video data based on the traditional algorithms such as DES, AES, 3-DES, RC4, among others. The computation process of the algorithm make them time consuming. This renders them unsuitable for the specific encryption needs. Another encryption process discussed is the use of permutation. The process involves scrambling of the video content in audio, images, and text. However, in the selective encryption algorithm, only the specific video byte that needs to be encrypted is considered. The algorithm works on the basis that some contents of the video are not critical. This leads to reduction of the encryption time as compared to the completely encryption algorithm techniques. The other encryption algorithm covered in the project is the perpetual-based encryption algorithm. This enables the potential viewers to listen and view though with low quality of the video.

The encryption process concerning videos generally involves the use of more complicated technologies as compared to voice and text encryption techniques. The complication has made researchers in the subject to focus their attention more on video encryption than other forms of encryption. This includes the analysis of the obstacles in the video separation process. The separation process involves the separation of the video into discrete images. Therefore, making the choice of the encryption technique to be used and adopted needs careful analysis. Many research studies have been conducted to assess the real-time streaming video elements for understanding of the desired speed for streaming.

Most of the encryption techniques are used for binary and text data for a number of reasons. Firstly, multimedia data, including video and image, are usually bulky and smaller in size. Encryption of bulk data by use of the traditional ciphers may incur significant overhead and may be too expensive for real-time applications such as image surveillance and video conferencing. Adjacent pixels in digital images also have similar values of gray scale and strong points of correlation. However, for the video data, only a few pixels would differ between frames since the consecutive frames are similar. Light encryptions are also important for use in many real-life applications in order for them to effectively preserve perceptual information. The reasons are evident in different aspects of the proposed study.

The study proposes a video encryption algorithm initiated from the voice speaker that generates a public key that eliminates the need for distribution and management by a third party. The transferred digital multimedia is used to generate the public key over the internet. The proposed algorithm is efficient because it takes less time for encryption to be done. The encryption algorithms implement numerous iterations of transformation and substitution over the original data as in the plaintext. This helps in the complication of the process of data discovery by hackers or online intruders. The algorithm proposed in the paper can split the video into discrete segments; the frames and the samples of the audio. The initialization process is also done that involves sending a copy of the algorithm from the image to the receiver with streaming of bits for connection as per the established purpose. The proposed study will be conducted to establish in details the subject of video encryption in comparison with audio and text encryptions.

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