
Information Security And Authentication

322 words | 2 page(s)

In computer and information technology, authentication refers to the process of verification, and identification (Minasi, 2014). Authentication verifies the credentials of a software or system. Windows server, active directory, and UNIX have different authentication methods. This paper will briefly discuss authentication methods and processes involving windows server, active directory, and UNIX.

Cryptographic keys are important security tools and keeping them in secure central location is an important step towards secure authentication processes. It makes authentication maintainable and scalable (Minasi, 2014). Authentication process involves active directory domain service is also important because it keeps stores identity information including user credentials and cryptographic keys. It is an important requirement for Kerberos and NTLM implementations.

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Authentication methods are varied and range from simple logons to more powerful security processes such as biometrics, public key certificates, and tokens (Minasi, 2014). Therefore, based on the business needs and goals, the authentication methods used should always be compatible with the server in use, whether the enterprise is using UNIX or Windows server.

Window authentication procedures involve Transport Layer Security, Digest, secure Sockets Layer, Kerberos, and NTLM. These protocols make part of the extensible windows authentication architecture (Minasi, 2014). In addition, other protocols or packages such as Credential Security Support Provider, and Negotiate are also combined.

Similarly, UNIX authentication involves Kerberos that involves three entities. The first entity is involves the clients. This includes all users, servers, workstations, and computers (Minasi, 2014). It also involves all other application that need authentication to form connections to a resource stationed on a network or the network. The second entity involves all servers that give a network important resource that the clients need. The third entity involves key distribution center, which is responsible for maintaining databases with account information involving services, computers, groups, and users. Other authentication methods for UNIX include LDAP directory and uses etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group. In both cases, biometrics might be needed (Minasi, 2014).

  • Minasi, M. (2014). Mastering Windows server 2012 R2.

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