
A Tale of Two Cultures

402 words | 2 page(s)

Question 1:

If my firm was doing business in Asia it could ease some of the cultural tension by being aware of sensitive cultural issues in the specific region. As seen in the article late night call centers and western brands are conflicting with traditional Asian cultural customs. To help ease some of these tensions my firm could operate during normal business hours for the region. And the dress code could follow the traditional style of the area; instead of allowing independent style dress, the company can have a standardized uniform designed with traditional style.

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Question 2:
In my opinion, globalization is among the causes of the increasing incidence of divorce, crime and drug abuse in Asia. I feel globalization is a major cause of these issues because changes in traditional cultural values can cause increased conflicts. For example, in a marriage if one partner chooses a more globalized outlook while the other partner chooses a more traditional outlook the conflict can lead to divorce. With an increase of divorce, crime and drug abuse are likely to also increase due to the depression and unhappiness related to divorce.

Question 3:
I think the term “Asian values” is a bit too broad and generic to truly represent the people who practice Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam and other religions in the East. The diversity in Asian culture and religion has too many unique ideas to all be lumped together with the term “Asian values” The article by Eva Pfostl poses a very good look at this term with the question “Asian Values or Values in Asia?” (Pfostl, 2007). This question is relevant to the discussion because it is pointing out there is more than one group of values in Asia and not a singular way to define the cultural values in the region.

Question 4:
I agree that a certain style of doing business in the twenty-first century is present and noticeable; however, I think with the correct amount of professionalism and knowledge cultures can be very successful without having to adapt rapidly. Asian cultures have their own customs and ways of managing their workers which has worked successfully for them; feeling forced to change their business style to fit in with the twenty-first century is not advisable when the current style is working well.

  • Pfostl, E. (2007). Asian Values or Values in Asia? Retrieved from www.resetdoc.org/story/00000000501
  • A Tale of Two Cultures. (n.d.). International Business.

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