
Abortion Debate: A Case Of Support

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Abortion is clinically and legally defined as the medical process of terminating a pregnancy that does not result in the birth of an infant. The legality reflects the ethical need to ensure this practice is limited to uphold the morals of society. Currently, the moral debate pertains to the criteria for the being of human life as it relates to rights as well as the health, legal rights and safety of the pregnant women (Munson, 2013). Therefore, I aruge in support of the legality of abortion for theses three main reasons: medical ethics constitutional rights, and personal safety.

Aligns with Medical Ethics
In the field of Medical Ethics, the four main principles are Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice . Autonomy refers to one’s right to make their choice. Beneficence is to act with one’s best interest as the essential feature influencing rationale. Non-maleficence is the principles that reflected the Hippocratic oath that “above all do no harm”. Justice is the concept that equality and fairness must be addressed in all situations professionals face . By nature of having the conversation of whether or not abortion is a suitable serve the principle of justice, and having the imbalance of viewpoints would attenuate the strength of this ethical principle. In other words, if the doctor were to believe that abstaining from abortion is in her best interest, it will contradict the principle of justice and autonomy. Also, if the continuation of the pregnancy despite request of abortion poses higher risk to the mother this would goes against the Hippocratic oath. .

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2. Legal
Roe v. Wade is the most famous case in the United States . about the individual rights of women and control over choice and their bodies. The class act suit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas abortion laws, which at the time define abortion as a crime unless medically necessary. Medically necessary does not include the voice of the woman who is pregnant and given that each person has the right to freedom in this country the freedom of choice would be violated if abortion continued to be illegal or only up to outsiders, such as doctors.

The supreme court decided to grant women the choice to have an abortion under the 14th Amendment right, but must agree with state legislation regulation about abortion. Therefore does not grant this choice a woman not only are you legally disregard her constitutional rights regarding choice but the notion it is acceptable to make abortion a public discussion is a breach of privacy as well.

Unsafe miscarriage leads to deadly consequences for nearly 47,000 women each year around the world. Legal restrictions often leave women without options, thus leading them to turn to unsafe providers or take it upon themselves to conduct dangerous methods that pose a threat of death to the pregnant women and unborn child.Clinical and social science research found can study ways to mend second-trimester abortion an in inform policy to provide affordable and quality services to women.

  • Association, B. M. (2012). Medical ethics today: The BMA’s handbook of ethics and law: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2001). Principles of Biomedical Ethics: Oxford University Press.
  • Garrow, D. J. (2015). Liberty and sexuality: The right to privacy and the making of Roe v. Wade: Open Road Media.
  • Munson, R. (2013). Intervention and reflection: basic issues in bioethics: Cengage Learning.
  • Nakhai-Pour, H. R., Broy, P., Sheehy, O., & Bérard, A. (2011). Use of nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy and the risk of spontaneous abortion. Canadian Medical Association Journal. doi:10.1503/cmaj.110454

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