
Abortion is Ethically Correct

346 words | 2 page(s)

The author discusses the ethical and moral aspects of abortion. The author addresses when a fetus becomes human and the views and perspectives of the debate. Some people argue that the fetus is not human because the fetus cannot accomplish the things or values of a human while others argue a fetus is human because of genetic disposition and other variables associated with humans. The author asserts that whatever the ethical perspective, abortion is wrong. No excuse should be proposed or sanctioned to state that abortion is ethically and morally right. The entire actions of abortion are based on intuitions according to the author and the view of young children. The author concludes by stating that the ethical component is premised on the fetal property.

The author to some extent does not address the variables of ethics. The author should have differentiated between ethics and law. Killing is a legal term meaning some of the arguments on ethics incorporate the legal angle. Since the author incorporates legality on the aspect of abortion, the author should have viewed the circumstances from a medical perspective or a criminal perspective. For example, a doctor may advise a patient to have an abortion because of medical related complications or rape, and using the definition of ethics according to the author, would not allow the abortion. Thus, why does the author refuse abortion but does not integrate the pregnant woman ‘ethics.’ She may die if the abortion is not done.

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In addition, does a fetus feel pain? The aspect of pain is normally used in moral and ethical arguments. In the development of a fetus, the fetus is usually in a ‘coma.’ A comma is that some body parts are not functional while the entire environment is controlled. It may be argued that it is illegal to operate an individual in a comma or sedated because the patient will feel pain. Thus, abortion will not cause pain because the fetus is not ‘active and does not feel pain’ but sedated.

  • Marquis, Don. Why Abortion is Immoral. Journal of Philosophy 86 (1989) 183-202.

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