Abortion is one of the most controversial topics to discuss today. Sometimes, it even seems that people are divided into two groups – those who support abortions as the right of a female to take care of her own body and those who are against abortion thinking of them as a murder. As for me, abortion is cruel antihuman and antisocial act that is unnatural and harms to society.
Abortion should not be legalized in the USA, because of three arguments. The first is that abortions reduce the number of adoptable babies. The second argument is that abortions do not allow women to recognize their responsibility being pregnant. The third argument is that a newborn child should not come unwanted into the world.
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I have been interested in the problem of abortion, because I have known a family that could not have a baby and could not get a permission to adopt a child as well. Their tragic experience has made me think of how many families dream about having children while others cannot take responsibility to give a birth.
Abortions should be banned throughout the civilized world, because they contribute to elimination of adoptions today. Abortions do not allow pregnant women to take responsibility of the new life. Having abortion eliminates the chances to give a birth to an unwanted baby. However, in case the abortions are not allowed, there will be less unwanted children as well.
Many people think that abortion is a personal act, so that it cannot harm society. However, my first argument against abortions is that these individual acts unable other members of society to adopt children. Today, women should understand that abortion is not the only way to get rid of unwanted baby. In case woman does not have opportunities enough to raise a child, she can give her baby to those who cannot conceive. According to recent statistics, “about one of every 10 women in the United States younger than 45 years old has infertility” (“Infertility”). One of the reason of infertility is that “since the days of Adam and Eve, never have so many women deferred childbearing until their mid-30s or later” (Klein “Top doc reveals 8 fertility misconceptions”). The times have changed, and the conditions considered acceptable to raise children have been transformed greatly. Today, the women have the right to decide whether they want to have a baby or not. Having abortion, however, is not a solution. Abortion is one of the main reasons why families who want to have children by cannot conceive lack a chance to adopt a baby. The US women do not want to put their children up for adoption. Thus, the number of infant adoptions has dropped significantly in recent decades in the USA. Women who decide to have an abortion should be aware of the fact that more than 2.6 million other women are dreaming about successful adoption at the moment.
It may seem that abortion reflects on female right to take care of her body on her own. However, my second argument against abortion covers individual responsibility that a pregnant woman should have. Unfortunately, many people think of their rights regardless their duties and responsibilities. Giving birth to a new life is a very important act. A child is not a private property, because they mean individuals who have the rights and free will. Thus, a woman does not have the right to have an abortion, because a baby insider her is not just a part of her body. The unborn child is a human who has the right to live. A woman should recognize her responsibility for being pregnant, since that is a natural consequence of sexual intercourse occurred. Importantly, “the woman’s degree of responsibility in becoming pregnant should not decide the value or fate of human life, which remains inviolable” (Jones 840). Responsibility of a pregnant woman implies her awareness that she is to give a birth. Our democratic values include the right to live as a basic principle of civilized society. Legal abortions violate this principle. That is why, abortions should be considered unnatural and unacceptable for democratic society of the USA. The problem of responsibility is one of the most contradictive, since most people think of their individual responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Abortions, however, seem to be the voluntary acts that do not contradict responsibility. An adult is aware that sex leads to pregnancy. Unfortunately, the number of abortions does not decrease.
Both arguments are to be credible and clear enough for most people. However, they seem to contradict a very important statement. People, who support abortions as voluntary acts and the right of women to dispose of their body, often proclaim that the world does not need unwanted children. A baby should not be born in case their mother does not want them. Unwanted children often lack care, protection, and love. Having an abortion seems to be a solution. In case this solution “is denied or inaccessible, the unwanted, dangerous, or abnormal pregnancy persists” (Grimes “Abortion Denied”). Children who are born unwanted have a higher risk of juvenile delinquency. Unwanted babies are usually associated with single-parent families, depression, poverty, lack of social acceptance and support. Thus, abortion seems to improve “the average living conditions of children, probably by reducing the numbers of youngsters who would have lived in single-parent families, lived in poverty, received welfare and died as infants” (Bitler and Zavodny 27). Having abortion, however, does not make women improve their responsibility level. Not giving birth to an unwanted baby does not mean a woman recognize her “mistake”. Unfortunately, people are more likely to “transform their most difficult social problems into judicial questions” (Charles 2). A woman should be aware that her pregnancy is her opportunity to feel responsible. A child cannot be considered a mistake or an issue that prevents a woman from a more decent life.
Thus, the third argument that seems to oppose the main claim is wrong. This statement makes possible to understand that abortion cannot be considered a solution of social problems, the lack of welfare, and individual failures. I am against abortions, because they are not voluntary actions and do not mean the individual rights. A woman is not only a single person, but also a full-fledged member of the US democratic society. Thus, a woman should be aware how many families worry about unsuccessful coercion and the lack of infant adoptions allowed in the country. Abortion is not the only way not to raise a child. A woman should give her baby to the parents who cannot have them. Pregnancy and giving birth are the responsible acts that cannot harm society, but can provide other families with the best challenges via adoption. The second argument against abortion is that a woman is an adult who should be responsible for her actions. Pregnancy is a natural consequence of sexual intercourse. Everybody knows about it, but this knowledge does not eliminate abortions. Being pregnant should not be perceived as a surprise, because a woman should know she can be pregnant because of sex. That is why, abortion reduces the chances to take responsibility for pregnancy. The third argument seems to oppose the first two, because it states that an unwanted baby should not come into the world. However, I think abortion is not a solution, because it cannot reduce the number of unwanted children.
- “Infertility.” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Web. https://www.hhs.gov/opa/reproductive-health/infertility/index.html
- Bitler, Marianne and Madeline Zavodny. “Did Abortion Legalization Reduce the Number of Unwanted Children? Evidence from Adoptions.” Guttmacher, vol.34, no.1, 2003, pp.25-33.
- Charles, Alan E. “Abortion and the Unwanted Child.” Am J Public Health, vol.62, no.1, 1972, pp.2-3.
- Grimes, David A. “Abortion Denied: Consequences for Mother and Child.” Huffpost. Web. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-a-grimes/abortion-denied-consequences-for-mother-and-child_b_6926988.html
- Klein, Joshua. “Top doc reveals 8 fertility misconceptions.” CNN. Web. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/07/health/fertility-misconceptions/