
Addiction Counseling Treatment Group

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The treatment type chosen is a Psycho-educational group. Psycho-education is a treatment type that is chosen to use on individuals who have a mental health condition and also uses their family as encouragement and helps them deal with the individual’s condition. This treatment type mainly refers to those individuals who have schizophrenia, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, psychotic illnesses, eating disorders, and personality disorders. This treatment type will assist those individuals with their mental health conditions in hopes that having this will be best for them and possibly have them closer to being cured.

The name of this psycho-educational group is called ‘Psycho-Educational Support Group.’ This name was chosen to be an encouragement group and to be a positive group for those individuals who have a mental health condition. This group name hopes to be a ray of hope and a beacon of light for these individuals. This group will be open to any individual who has a mental health condition if the doctor and psychologists do tests and find that the individual has a mental health condition. Any client who is tested and a doctor states that the individual has a mental health condition is welcome to join the group. Also accepted are new members who have had tests done and completed and a doctor states that the individual has a mental health condition, is welcome to join the group as well.

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The length of each session is 30 minutes to an hour and participants are required to meet three times a week. The group has some ground rules and includes: no negativity to yourself or other members in the group, no rudeness will be tolerated, no individual is allowed to miss their turn in the group discussion, and no members are to be late to any session. The feedback types that will be allowed is group feedback, redirection, and encouragement. The group will be a relaxed group, if every member in the group is relaxed then this will make for better involvement in the group. When it comes to the group leader-counselor and the senior client they will be rotated each day. The topic sessions that will be included are peer interactions, encouragement, and counseling if it is required depending on how the individual reacts or if he or she feels overwhelmed.

The short-term goals that are hoped to be accomplished is possibly curing the individuals by having this support group and by encouraging them and listening to them when they tell everyone involved how they feel about themselves and their illness and to lift them up and encourage them that everything will be fine and that just because they have this illness does not make them any less of a person or make them unimportant. The long-term goals that are hoped to be accomplished is to continue to help these individuals every step of the way and to be there to listen to them if they need someone to talk to as well as having the support group to be there for them as well.

  • Dickinson, S.L. (2014). Psycho-Educational Evaluation. Retrieved from http://able-
  • Brookhart, S.M. (2014). Chapter 2: Types of Feedback and Their Purposes. Retrieved from
  • Lake, M. (2011). Four Types of Feedback. Retrieved from

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