
Addressing Real Word Problems Associated with Reading

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Reading is neither a talent nor an activity; it’s natured, practiced, taught and familiarized with the reader. Script reading can be stressful to media armatures; it is an act of understanding; that one has to love it before performing. News anchoring has been the most significant dream to all young people out there. Everybody would love to be like Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News; he does these scripts well with some humor, maybe he is an expert due to the experience he has had at the media houses. We look at Harry Reasoner of the ABC News, Dan Rather of CBS News and many more adorable figures in the media industry. They had mastered the art or reading and presenting (Said S. 2013).

Reading media scripts has been a challenge to many especially those invited during live coverage of Television Shows, some of them mess up while others never attempt at all. The problem is that non-expert readers have not specialized in this field and will not read a script the same way a trained anchor will. It does not matter whether one is a Ph.D. holder or not, what is important is the skills of field expertise (Mellander. S. 2015). Meaning that for one to succeed in any field, and then he/she must have mastered the way things happen. Reading is not easy, especially news script, it needs experts who are well trained. According to the International Media Corporation (IMC), 80% of news lovers cannot attempt to read a script and pronounce the words as they are required.

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Pictorial oral presentations can be the best remedy to help other non-expert readers present information; this can be wider, not limited to media houses but applicable in any institution. Pictorials solve the problem of weak reading since it is scientific. The presenter gets a photo describing an event, issue or problem; he/she will analyze the picture through critical thinking, then match the story to the gallery. Lastly, he/she will be required to master all the contents public presentation (Naik & Suman, 2017). It is exciting, but it is the best technique, during the performance, he/she will remember details of the photo upon looking at it and thus present it orally.

Evaluation of Solution
Research shows that learners who read through pictorials stand a high chance of memorizing the single content of the photo and that 2 out of 5 will accurately read it when the pictorials miss. The solution is ideally addressing the issue of weak reading since the presenter is at liberty to discuss the pictorial using any method, can be narrating the story behind or still be reading as he recounts. It has been useful in weather forecasting because the news anchor knows the weather patterns of all regions required. The criteria, master the photo contents, note down important notes, listen to the narration from instructors, and practice it and then present.

  • Mellander S (2015) Expert or non Expert readers: A Study on Company Reports and Personnel Attitudes from a language Consultancy Viewpoint. Chapter Two
  • Naik & Suman H (2017) Simplifying Solution Space: Enabling non expert users to innovate and design with toolkits.
  • Francie D, (2014) Students Master Science: Outlining, annotating, and typing notes all improve Understanding in High School and College.

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