
Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots in Manufacturing

589 words | 2 page(s)

The advent of information systems has transformed various activities in the society today. One of the areas that has been affected is the production in the industrial processes. This is because it has led to the introduction of robots to promote various industrial processes (Gupta, 2009). However, these robots are associated with some advantages and disadvantages because of their structural and functional abilities in relation to human beings.

Some of the advantages include the increased quality in the production. The automated robots can facilitate the acquisition of a dramatic improvement in the quality of the products. This is because most of the operations carried out by the robots advance high levels of repeatability with extreme high precision (Salvendy, 2004). This is because the robots are very consistent in their operations which cannot be acquired by the use of human beings in the same processes. Unlike human beings, the robots do not commit errors. Therefore, this makes their use highly efficient and effective in the industrial processes. Robots can promote an increase in production. The robots can work for long without stopping. They cannot be subjected to fatigues that may require some rest like human beings (Gupta, 2009). Therefore, this is likely to translate to higher quantity of production. The manufacturing processes can be regulated in the information systems operating the robots to ensure that the overall quality is achieved.

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The use of robots can assist in enhancing safety in the working environment. The automated systems can be used in areas that predispose the workers to high number of injuries within the industries. This is because the robots have the ability to work in extreme conditions within the industrial processes (Salvendy, 2004). Some of the areas that they can work include extremely hot or cold environments in the industries. This can assist the worker through reducing exposure to some of the areas that can pose a lot of danger to human beings. The use of robots is likely to reduce the production costs of the industries that adopt them. This is because some o the functions performed by human beings can be taken by the robots and thus reducing the funds associated with human resources. This also assist in avoiding the use of funds associated with human injuries and insurance covers (Gupta, 2009).

Some of the disadvantages of using robots include very high initial costs. In order to acquire the equipment associated with the use of robots, very costs have to be incurred, this is because the installation of these equipment is very expensive. The operating systems that can be used in enhancing the running of the robots can also be very expensive to acquire and install (Ingram, 2014). In order to ensure that the robots operate smoothly, the staff members in the organization have to undergo training sessions. This will take the industry more financial and time resources to achieve. The use of these robots does not guarantee instant increase in the output in the industries (Salvendy, 2004). Therefore, this makes the industries to commit their resources but be exposed to a lot of risks.

The robots have rendered several people jobless. This has led to a decrease in the quality of life of some people in the society. The robots also have limited functionalities because of their lack of intelligence and cognitive ability. The robots can only work perfectly for their designated jobs (Gupta, 2009). However, because of their lack of flexibility, they cannot handle other tasks in the industrial environment. The robots can also expose human beings to a lot of danger when they malfunction.

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