
Aging Theories

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Everyone gets old. It’s an accepted reality although some people display the familiar signs of ageing slower than others. The question is why. The body’s cells are renewed at a phenomenal pace. White blood cells fight disease. Cuts, bruises and broken bones heal themselves. The body is self regenerating so it seems reasonable that people should never die, that the body should simply do what it does naturally and retain eternal youth but it doesn’t and no one to this point understands exactly why. Several theories exist, most under two general headings, Programmed Theories which include “genetic” and “Damage, or Error Theories” that comprise, among others, “free radical” and “wear and tear.”

Genetic technology may be the most important scientific breakthrough in all of history. Human genome mapping and DNA sequencing allows scientists to understand why a host of horribly debilitating and deadly diseases occur and lead to the ability to block or alter gene abnormalities. The Genetic Aging Theory, therefore, is part of this exciting, cutting-edge technology. One discovery at the genetic level is telomerase, a substance that controls the division of cells. Each cell of the human body is genetically programmed to divide about 70 times during a lifetime. As people grow older they reach the limit of their allocated cell divisions then cells are pre-programmed to start dying which triggers the aging process. When scientists can manipulate telomerase, the aging process will be greatly affected.

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Life expectance at the turn of the 20th Century was less than 50 years old. At the time of Christ it was 25. Now it’s now too uncommon for people to live past 100, at least 70,000 in the U.S. alone at any one time. Genome research will dramatically increase the number of people living past the century mark to an estimated three to four million by 2050. “We are in the midst of a miraculous break-through in anti-aging and longevity medicine.” (Barber, 2013). Scientific knowledge concerning anti-aging and longevity is advancing at a rapid pace. What we know about genetic theories of aging today will be outdated in just a few years.

The Wear and Tear Theory is an easier concept for the average person to grasp. Similar to how excessive wear and tear on a car will age it faster, abusing one’s body causes it to wear out quicker. Skin, the most obvious sign of aging, is a good example of how wear and tear breaks down the body at the cellular level. Exposing skin to the sun is damaging due to ultraviolet rays which alters cell structure, affects collagen production and reduces elasticity causing wrinkles, a sure sign of aging. The longer the skin is exposed, the greater the damage and faster the aging process. Eating habits affect internal parts of the body. Eating foods high in fat and salt content causes a range of issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney problems in addition to many others. Stress inherent in living each day adds to changes in the body at the cellular level, increasing the aging process.

Enduring prolonged periods of high stress situations in combination with poor eating habits is certain to lead to an early grave. However, despite a person’s lifestyle circumstances and choices, wear and tear also occurs naturally. The dynamics within the body is a constant wear and tear process as new cells destroy old ones. “Our organs are constantly working to maintain a homeostatic environment to sustain life. This alone is a form of wear and tear which is inevitable as long as life is present.” (Zander, Alex, 2015) The body ages regardless of our behaviors; however, what we eat, where we spend our time and how we take care of our bodies either works to speed or slow the aging process.

The Free Radical Theory describes an aging process that occurs at the molecular level. “Free Radicals” are a molecule that has a free electron, a circumstance which forces it to react radically with other molecules creating an additional negative electronic charge. Electrons usually come as pairs. When one is detached the matter becomes highly reactive and unstable. While some free radical attachment are a positive, providing energy, synthesizing hormones and transmitting nerve impulses, the damaging affects, the metabolic waste known as lipofuscins they create when attached to cell membranes, is a catalyst in the process of aging. An excess of lipofuscins cause age spots which are simply a place on the skin where cell have been destroyed by excess metabolic waste.

The process that causes age spots creates more issues than simply a skin blemish. It initiates a chemical imbalance which ages cells while also leading to the formation of mutant and deadly cancer cells. Additionally, free radicals destroy elastin and collagen which keep skin elastic, smooth and moist causing deep folds and wrinkles in the skin. Oxygen molecules, which are drawn in from simply breathing, create and react with free radicals in a process called oxidation which accelerates the aging process and worse. Free radicals contribute to illness such as cancers, Alzheimer’s and coronary heart disease. Antioxidants are a thriving industry due to oxidation and free radicals. “Many vitamins, minerals and other substances fight aging by acting as free radical scavengers. (Goldman, 2014) Orange juice, blueberries, avocados, fish and many types of nuts are popular antioxidants.

The Genetic Theory, Damage or Error Theory and Free Radical Theory all describe verifiable processes by which human’s age. The degree to which telomerase factors into natural cell splitting, the self inflicted damaging of cells and oxidation, which creates free radicals and destroys cells all likely play a role in aging. Many theories have been introduced and studied. It seems clear that more than one is valid in the complicated science of explaining aging.

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