
Amazon Alexa Vs. Google Home

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In the last couple of years, smart speakers have raised a tremendous popularity in our homes. Devices that act as assistants, being able to control your smart devices with the sole power of your voice are undisputable an innovation that promises to be fun for the family. These voice-controlled speakers represent a tremendous jump in our lives. Each of the most prevalent brands, Amazon and Google, provide users with the option to play music, solve questions, getting news reports, playing videos in the TV, starting timers, and even turning the lights on or off.

The devices that own the greatest shares of the market are Amazon Alexa and Google Home. By its hand, Amazon`s gadget has been available in the market for approximately two years before its rival, allowing the developers to improve the device and giving it more functions .

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In contrast, Google home offers their users with a useful connection with Chrome cast and a better sound quality but a lower sound volume. Also, Google experience in app development promises to deliver a wider selection of useful capacities to its product in the upcoming months.
Processor: Processors have the central responsibility of the velocity of the responses given by the devices. In this sense, Google Home uses a Marvell 88DE3006 Armada 1500 Mini Plus dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 media processor , while Amazon Alexa uses a Texas Instruments DM3725 ARM Cortex-A8 processor .
Power source: Power source is relatively equal, as both devices require a standard power supply. Google Home uses a DC power jack; it requires a 16.5 V source and 2A. In contrast, Amazon Alexa uses a 120-140V adapter with 0.6A.
Microphones: Amazon Alexa has a seven microphone array for enabling a better sound reception and voice understanding. While the Google smart speakers have only two microphones placed on opposite sides .
Sensors: Both, Alexa and Google Home have touch sensors. In the Google Home case, the touch sensors are placed in a plastic sealed compartment with the objective of isolating the sensors, and avoiding noises caused by electrical currents flowing by the surrounding metal . Alexa touch sensor applications include volume control and a series of controls accessed by this sensor.
Programming language: Google experience in application building is demonstrated in the software building facilities such as the Google assistant, their SDK library which is also available for Google Home. Mainly, Google home uses python programming language and allow service from all gRPC languages . In the other hand, Alexa programming language for default is Amazon Web Services Lambda, which supports JavaScript, Java, Python, C# and Go.
Functions: Most functions are present in both models. Amazon and Google offer an assistant that can be accessed by voice. The main differences are their compatibility and the variety of applications. Regarding the compatibility, each brand has targeted several home smart devices, and popular services to ameliorate the experience of users. While in the software ground, Amazon has traveled an extra mile as a consequence of their head start. While Google continues to develop their basic apps, Alexa has more than 2000 downloadable apps.

In conclusion, it is possible to state that, as it is true that both devices have very similar functions but, their hardware and appliances can serve as differentiators of each of the most popular smart speakers. In this sense, we observe the importance of hardware towards the quality achievement. In Amazon Alexa, we observe that more specialized materials, configurations, and devices result in a significant gap in the product superiority, while in Google Home we observe that the company attempted a price reduction but at the expense of quality decrease as well.

  • Aguilar, Mario. “Amazon Echo Review: I Just Spoke to the Future And It Listened.” 2015.
  • Alvey, Justin. “Google Home Mini teardown, comparison to Echo Dot, and giving technology a voice.” 2017.
  • Clauser, Grant. “Amazon Echo vs. Google Home: Which Voice Controlled Speaker Is Best for You?” 2018.

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