
An Effective Leader

601 words | 3 page(s)

Leaders are everywhere. In our workplace, schools, organizations, and various other places leaders are present. What sets an effective leader apart from others? An effective leader is recognized by the people he or she is around. Every effective leader has traits they share with other leaders. Excellent communication skills and integrity are traits that all effective leaders have.

Outstanding communication skills are vital for any leader. Communication is not just how someone speaks. Body language, listening, and writing are all ways that a leader will need to communicate to his or her team. How a person comes across greatly influences others. Great leaders exhibit excellent communication that inspires others with his or her words. Effective leaders know the audience they are communicating with and how to adjust the communication if needed. Excellent leadership communication will help motivate others and put them into action. An effective leader knows how to communicate information in an effective and positive way that educates those around him or her. How a leader communicates with others is how others will perceive him or her. A person can lose their leadership role if they do not communicate effectively.

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Listening is a vital part of communication. An effective leader is willing to listen with interest to his or her team. Effective leaders communicate clearly and are easily understood, while being kind and receptive of others. Being kind and receptive of others allows people to feel that they can communicate with their leader about anything. Leaders that exhibit open body language, provide an environment in which others feel comfortable opening up to them. When a positive environment exist people will perform better and feel secure. While communicating with respect towards others, an effective leader will provide a secure environment in which others feel safe to come to him or her about anything.

People want and need a leader with integrity. What is integrity? Integrity means that a leader is fair, honest, and respectful. The leader will treat everyone the same way they would want to be treated. An effective leader must be honorable. Respect is gained from being an honorable leader. Effective leaders exhibit integrity when they speak honestly and not misspeaking. When a leader is dishonest and deceitful, others will not trust him or her. When an effective leader has self-respect and respect for others, the leader leads the team to also be respectful. Leaders with integrity are great role models making the right choice, while setting aside any personal agendas they may have. Leaders with integrity put others first. Others perform their best when they feel respected and can trust their leader. Leaders with integrity guide others and provide stability within the team while inspiring people to do the same. Ensuring that people are treated fairly a leader exhibits integrity and effective leadership. Environments with a leader that exhibits integrity are successful.

Effective leadership is crucial in all situations. An effective leader exhibits excellent communication skills. Having integrity is critical as a leader. Leaders motivate others by how they are treated. Having integrity and excellent communications skills are the foundation of an effective leader. People will respect and follow a leader that is honest and respectful. A leader that communicates with respect to others will inspire people to perform their personal best. Having integrity as an effective leader provides a stable and safe environment in which others will feel safe to come to their leader if there are any problems, knowing that they will be respected and their needs will be important. Effective leaders communicate effectively with respect towards others and exhibit integrity in every decision they make.

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