
An Environment of Contentment

753 words | 3 page(s)

Everyone needs a place that makes them feel nurtured, content, and a place where they can reconnect with the part of them that is lost in the daily grind. For me, that place is in the water. When I am gliding through the water, feeling the power in every stroke and kick, I feel as if I am flying. In the stillness, there is nothing but me and the splashing of the water. In the water, it is as if I am the only one in the universe, alone, but not lonely, trusting my body to keep itself afloat in vast emptiness of the water. It does not matter whether the water is a pool, a lake, or the ocean. I feel complete contentment and peace when I am in it.

The experience of water is one of isolation. It is disconnected from the world. There are no cell phones, companions, or symbols that we rely on to identify ourselves. When you are alone in the empty space of water. No one knows what car you drive, what clothing you wear, or what car you drive. They only see you, the real you, the authentic stripped down bare bones you. The greatest lesson that water has to teach tis the one must get to know themselves and be comfortable with themselves before they can be comfortable with others.

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The water has taught me to grow in ways that I never imagined. As you surrender to the aloneness of the water, it can make you appreciate how the silence can be a time for reflection and new ideas. The sea gives me a place of empowerment, a place where I can come to know my place in the world. Somehow when I am swimming, I understand where I fit in the grand scheme of things. For me, water is a place of creativity. When I am in the water, new ideas and new directions break through to the surface of my consciousness. Sometimes these ideas come crashing in like waves breaking on the beach. Sometimes they flow like a lazy river on a summer afternoon. The water is a place where I trust myself completely to surrender to forces greater than myself. The water can be dangerous and unforgiving, but is can also be a comforting friend as it massages you with cool fingers.

The water is a place where I completely trust in my ability to overcome the forces of nature. Many directions are always available in life and the water is a place where I can always find my direction. Swimming makes tiny changes in the body, mind, and spirit. It is a form of meditation and a time of connection. The physical endurance needed to stay afloat can relieve any stress that the world can create. The water is an organic element and when I am in the water I feel a sense of connection with everything else that is organic. I feel a sense of oneness with the vastness of matter floating in timeless space. It is like I am an astronaut with only the emptiness of space and the brilliance of the sun, giving life and giving warmth. It is a living space and a place where I truly feel alive. For me, water is something that I cannot live without, a need that goes beyond the body’s biological needs for it.

I have a need for the companionship of water, and a place where I can free myself from the weightiness of the world. Water is heavy, yet it can make you light as a feather, able to drift where ever the currents may take you. Water is a gift that never fails to encourage me to appreciate all that I have and all that I am in his life. Water makes me give into the exhaustion so that my mind can expand like a drop that is placed into the water and begins spreading out to touch all that real and all that is not real. It is my connection with the sublime and the connection to my inner world. I owe much of who I am today to the simplest of elements. Water offers me a place of contentment like no other. It is abundant and I never have to travel far. I can even go there in my dreams and imagination anytime that I need a break from daily life activities. Water is my connection, my connection to the divine without and the divine within.

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