The topic, “environmental geology” covers application of geologic principles to the “real world” problems. The topic also covers other related areas such as natural hazards that include landslide hazards, volcanic hazards, seismic hazards, and flood hazards (Erickson, 2009). The second related topic is the land use and planning management which...
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In the past decade, the consumption of renewable energy has significantly increased while the cost of renewable energy has dropped. In the United States, the percentage of renewable energy has doubled from 8 percent in 2007 to 15 percent in 2017. Despite being the largest energy source, coal use has...
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Two Canadian companies, Barrick Gold and Goldcorp have come together in an effort to revitalize an abandoned mine in the Dominican Republic. The Rosario mine, which was previously owned by the state, is expected to bring the government over $10 billion in its estimated 25-year life span. But the project...
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The issue of climate change has been of growing interest in the recent years. Environmentalists and earth scientists are partnering with governments and non-governmental organization to address the issue of climate change. This information is well presented in websites. One such websites is Climate Change Nova Scotia. The website is...
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One of the world’s most beloved animals is the tiger. A four-footed mammal of the feline family, tigers are maybe the most recognizable of the big cats because of their special markings and heavy, muscular bodies. Most tigers have an orange or reddish-orange fur with jagged black stripes over most...
1869 words | 6 page(s)
The article is about a company called Zero Motorcycles which is a line of high-performance electric motorcycles. These motorcycles are better than gasoline motorcycles in all aspects and are pretty powerful to be an electric motorcycle, these Zero Motorcycles are better than gasoline motorcycles and are better when it comes...
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In the modern world, the term “green” is often used as a connotation for business and personal practices considered to be environmentally sound. Green energy refers to renewable sources of energy, such as wind and solar, as opposed to non-renewable sources, such as petroleum. Green energy may also refer to...
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Business owners today have an obligation to take steps not to do damage to the environment. This does not mean simply abiding by environmental laws. Environmental laws are the bare minimum that a business owner has an obligation to follow, as not following environmental laws is illegal. It makes little...
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Simply Green Products (SGP) has neglected to register its trademark of “SafePac”, which it has been using since 2008. The company hired me, Betty Fuller, as the new Head of Marketing and charged me with the task of preparing its marketing plan. In the course of gathering information for the...
1202 words | 5 page(s)
The ocean is one of the largest ecosystems on earth. According to data collected from National Geographic, five oceans make up 71 percent of the earth’s surface (Jakasha, 2009). According to the National Geographic scientist Jakasha (2009), 80 percent of life on earth resides in the ocean; the majority of...
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The Arctic Ecosystem spans the immediate area around the North Pole of earth and is underpinned by water from the Artic Ocean. Up to 80% of the Arctic ecosystem is ice and provides a suitable habitat for local animals including polar bears, seals and a variety of fish species including...
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The problems of the Pacific Islanders are built on the basis of the local community where people suffer from ecological, social, cultural and economic problems. The most severe issue which happens to be the reason for many other troubles is the environmental and ecological challenge. Nowadays these territories deal with...
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Droughts are a serious threat to both the environment and the human population. California is currently facing a severe drought which has had several repercussions on the state, including a limited water supply, negative impact on agriculture, and an increase in forest fires sweeping the state. As a result, the...
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The rise of “clean coal” is representative of the greater economic, environmental and sociopolitical push toward greener technology and more sustainable sources of energy. A greater awareness of the world and the Earth and its natural environment has prompted action on behalf of individuals, corporations and more to do their...
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It is an extraordinary fact of world affairs today that commercial interests are confronting environmental concerns as never before. As awareness of climate change at least partially fueled by human production, as well as documented harm done to natural environments, increases, so too is there a greater demand for those...
1114 words | 4 page(s)
Introduction Seismic Mapping refer to technique, exploration and geophysics methods that utilizes principles of seismology to estimate contents of the Earth’s subsurface from recorded seismic waves. This paper seeks to discuss Reflection Seismology as one of the methods used in seismic mapping. According to Blewett and Kennett (2014) this method...
1708 words | 6 page(s)
Introduction Two decades ago, few would care about waste accumulation in our houses and landfills. However, with the intensity of industrialization and consequent growth of the consumerism, the authorities of various ranks rang the bell given the high likelihood of possible ecological disaster. Therefore, rather than anyone’s whim, the issue...
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Recycling is the process of converting waste into new materials. It prevents valuable materials from going into waste, it reduces consumption of raw materials, controls pollution, and reduces energy use (Menikpura et al., 2014). Various materials or products are recycled including water, plastics, paper, tires, glass, cardboard, and electronics. Recycling...
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A Bottle Bill, also referred to as a container deposit law, is a mandatory refundable deposit on beverage containers aimed to ensure the return of containers subject to further recycling. Deposit systems are rather beneficial while they help to reduce litter and converse energy and resources. Other advantages include job...
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Recycling as it is practiced today, with large centralized systems for capturing waste from disposable consumption, is a fairly new development of the late twentieth century (Grabianowski, 2017). Recycling is far older that a few decades, since it predates modern manufacturing. In fact, it was the main means of accessing...
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Biofuels are mainly energy sources obtained from plants or crops. Some of the commonly used biofuels include ethanol and biodiesels that are usually blended with other compounds to provide energy. Currently, the use of the biofuels is steadily on the rise because of several factors that are considered advantageous. From...
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On 29th august 2005, the Gulf Coast of the United States was struck by the Hurricane Katrina. The storm caused a lot of damage on the coast. The aftermath of the hurricane was also catastrophic. The devastation caused by the disaster caused heavy environmental, social and economic impacts. The tragedy...
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It’s very important to fight against deforestation. Every day more and more trees are being annihilated to make room for developments, and if something isn’t done to change it then the world will suffer for it. Trees are vitally important to the world’s ecosystem, as they provide oxygen. Trees produce...
318 words | 2 page(s)
The discovery, development and utilization of different sources of energy including fossil fuels and nuclear power have had both positive as well as negative effects. This article outlines the pros and cons of eliminating the current fossil fuel infrastructure as well as those related to the creation of new infrastructure...
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We as the Nordstrom incorporation in Portland humbly invite you to our half-day workshop on environment sustainability. The aim of the workshop is to ensure that we educate the participants on sustainable, environmentally-sound business practices and discuss on the various environment sustainability initiatives. Moreover, we would like to train the...
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