
Analysis of Theories of Social Movements and Globalization

940 words | 4 page(s)

A key social movement that has emerged over the last 40 to 50 years is the resource mobilization theory. It is significant as it helps to discuss the co-ordination and social activity of large movements of people, which have been collaborated to achieve a certain purpose or being. It analyzes specific aspects of social movements and how they are capable of acquiring particular resources from society and secondly, their ability to motivate people to come together to achieve one main aim or set of objectives. This is particularly difficult in the 21st century when considering that advancements in society and technology give people the free will to pursue a particular direction and have autonomy over their choices without being influenced by others (Seltzer, 2014).

One of the main focal points of the theory is that the people of the movement are rational and have come together to achieve a main aim or purpose that society has not been able to fulfill itself. This paper will focus on the thesis statement that the theory provides rational reasoning and proof for how society can effectively develop its own means to inspire collaboration and agreement amongst its people. If a movement of people can achieve a certain level of rationality than why can’t society overall? (Seltzer, 2014).

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There are a number of advantages associated with the resource mobilization theory that can be considered by society overall. It involves firstly, efficient ways of acquiring resources for development and subsequent advancements in operations. It is considered new business development and one of its main strategies is to scan the world for new business opportunities and to constantly look for more unique and innovative ways of inspiring people and keeping them motivated within a large or small group. At the start and end of the new business development model there should exist a process of scanning for new business opportunities. If society an continue to scan for new opportunities to meet the increasing needs of its people with regards to community developments and provision of better healthcare, than people may become more rational and willing to agree to particular proposals (DAC, 2015).

This social theory is also important as it allows for organization sustainability involving the areas of institutional and programmatic sustainability. These two requirements focus on providing an effective structure within a particular movement that allows people to be delivered with high quality products that they desire. This can be effectively utilized in businesses and societies worldwide where people require a particular need or desire met quickly and a high level of care and innovation (DAC, 2015).

Despite these key advantages, there are also a number of challenges with respect to the resource mobilization theory including the need for organizations and societies to earn support from their people or employees. Support will not come quickly and requires time and the implementation of key strategies such as business scanning (DAC, 2015).

The resource mobilization theory is effective in inspiring people to become more loyal and accepting of decisions within an organization or movement but requires that organizations carefully map out their strategies and ensure that they are providing customers and their people with a quality product or outcome. It is particularly pertinent to politics in society and how politicians can shape their decisions to meet the needs of people in society (Seltzer, 2014).

Globalization continues to have an overwhelming affect on our ability to live and to continue to develop. Rapid expansion of manufacturing and production of materials and goods is contributing towards a more globalized and commercialized world in the 21st century. The ramifications of globalization are large and varied. Firstly globalization is resulting in the rise and continued development of large transnational corporations, which are dominating local, national and international businesses. Consequently, products supplied in local businesses are becoming more competitive and the food, clothes and products that we all now buy are more expensive regardless of their quality.

Many of the local traditions and cultures that have provided clothes and artifacts are now being outcompeted by these larger corporations. The products that we are being provided with are no longer unique or related to local customs and traditions but rather global ideals (McCubbrey, 2015). There is now limited substance in the clothes and products that are purchased and instead, it forms a small part of rapid globalization and the push for greater competition and domination over other rapidly developing businesses. For example, tourists and nationals have always cherished local restaurants and food. Large corporations as part of this rapid globalized movement are taking over local industries and these markets. The restaurants that the majority of locals in any given nation now visit are large corporations or chains such as McDonalds or Starbucks. This is has having an adverse impact on not only local businesses and their survival in the 21st century but the products that we purchase and how much that we now have to spend. The meaning and traditions behind locations and smaller organizations is being lost within this rapid globalization movement (McCubbrey, 2015).

Despite these inherent disadvantages associated with globalization, there are also a number of small advantages including its focus on innovation and the rapid development of society. Globalization is flexible and has the ability to quickly react to and overcome change in a number of different ways (McCubbrey, 2015).

In conclusion, globalization is having a detrimental impact on the provision of local products as well as on local businesses as their ability to provide a worthwhile contribution to national economies worldwide. Many of the traditions and local customs are being outcompeted by larger corporations, with little interest in local business and a greater focus on expansion and worldwide development.

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