
Ancient Greek And American Democracy

577 words | 2 page(s)

Most democratic governments in the modern era have borrowed their practices from the ancient Greeks. The early Greeks attempted to ensure that the government was equally run by individuals who acted as role models for a multiple of governments that came after the Greek government. The Greek ancient democracy and the modern development democrat are similar in a number of ways and also have difference featured that made to look different.

The aim of the ancient Greeks was to establish a democratic government that included all citizens in matters of governance. The Ancient Greek were against the oligarchical rule that was characterized by some kind of aristocracy that oppresses people. In a similar manner, the modern American democracy has always sought to eradicate any form of tyrannical rule that might cause oppression to the people of America. The creation of the US Constitution was inspired by the ancient Greeks’ democratic doctrines. But, the two democracies exhibited a number of differences. The democracy of the Ancient Greek is a representation of an extreme case where every citizen took part in the practice of democracy. Citizens enjoyed the right to take part in elections and took part in various decision making process that constituted the government. The United States, on the other hand is a modern republic where its citizens enjoy the rights to participate in election and elect lawmakers to the Congress. The lawmakers are entitled with the role of governing and formulating of laws affecting the American society.

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The Assembly in the Ancient Greek democracy had the role of creating laws. The Assembly was made up of citizens who were willing to take part in the legislation process of the Assembly. The Ancient Greek Assembly used to meet 40 times in a year. An estimated 20000 and 60000 eligible citizens attended the sessions of the Assembly and in one sitting, a total of more than 6000 citizens could take part. Every citizen who attended the Assembly sessions had the right to make contributions to the Assembly during meetings and sittings. The modern US democracy is characterized by the creation and passing of laws by the Congress that is made up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. At total of 535 members comprise the Congress of which 100 are senators and 435 are Representatives. The members of the Congress attend meetings where they discuss matters affecting America and pass laws before they are enacted by the government.

The Ancient Greek judicial system was made up of a jury that randomly heard trials. The jury comprised an estimated 200 and 6000 citizens who were selected randomly. At the beginning of every year, the members of the jury would volunteer themselves, then combine together in a pool of jurors. The assignment of the cases to handle was done in a random way every day they attended the judicial service. The cases during the time were presided by lay magistrates who were selected by the lot. The modern judicial system in the US is based in democratic values of practice and existence. The judicial system is made up of courts that are smaller as compared to those of ancient Greeks. The courts have a jury that makes a decision either to indict or not to indict a suspect. In addition, the courts are presided by powerful judges who have extensive knowledge concerning matters of law. But, the basic idea of conducting a fair trial on both the ancient and the modern US jury is the same.

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