
Applying Graduate School

457 words | 2 page(s)

Dreams that suffice make people become what they always wanted since their childhood. It is equally tantamount. Being a clinical psychologist has always been one of my greatest desires. However, it is not always a bed of roses achieving one’s life ambitions. In contemporary America, getting a college degree is just the begging of this journey referred to as life. Prior to arriving at the decision of the program to attend, the consideration of whether the school is regionally or nationally accredited determines the whole process. Consequently, my top three programs in relation to clinical psychology would be at University of California (UCL), University of North Carolina- Upper Hill and University of Washington. All three institutions are nationally accredited by the America Psychological Association.

According to a survey conducted in 2012 by the US News world rankings, these were the top three schools nationally having met all the requirements and surpassed them (Clinical Psychology: Rankings 2012, 2013). This has a direct bearing on the licensure to practice since it implies that apart from offering top notch education that is all rounded, they also guarantee allowance to licensure in all states across the nation. The programs are also the top pick since the programs offered right start from graduate school all the way to PhD programs. As a result, these schools guarantee both the production of men and women of consolidated intellect while aligning one to become the best in their field of specialization (Linden & Hewitt, 2012).

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In this field, the license of choice would squarely fall on PhD. This would make one a well trained professional in counseling while also ensuring they have all the requisite education to prosper in this field. Nonetheless, being the top schools in the nation, it is also the basis of the major concern of getting admitted into the schools. This is because such schools, without saying, receive myriads of applications annually and have to settle on only a select few to attend school there. The schools also have to continually ensure that they keep their students on their toes to keep their high level status.

In conclusion, admission to these schools would be a dream come true. However, a few questions arise with regards to the application process as listed below:
i. What are the minimum requirements for consideration in the application process?
ii. What are the main considerations in order for a student to be admitted?
iii. What is the number of applicants and admitted students on an annual basis? In relation to this, what is the likelihood of getting admitted to the schools?

  • Clinical Psychology: Rankings 2012. (2013). Retrieved September 15, 2013, from U.S. News: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-health schools/clinical-psychology-rankings
  • Linden, W., & Hewitt, P. L. (2012). Clinical psychology. Boston: Prentice Hall.

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