
Are Hip-Hop And Homosexuality Incompatible?

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The relation between hip hop and homosexuality is not compatible as portrayed few singers like Frank Ocean. Most hip hop rappers have developed high levels of negativity towards gay marriages. They considered this as an ill practice which kills the morals giving the bad image to the society. Rappers like Eminem have strong believe that associating hip hop with gay marriages tend make the important element of music lose it important message passage. According to them, associating hip hop with guy also kills the spirit of hip hop which was meant to give the black American youths room to express themselves.

History and Examples of Homophobia in the Industry
Many rappers have joined the likes of Eminem if vowing not to work with hip hop singers who have come out openly to oppose gay marriages. Although some members of the society tend associate hip hop with gay based on the dress code, most rappers have come out to defend the dress code as a means of marketing.

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Eminem is one of the most celebrated and recognized rappers. Based on this, Eminem enjoys huge influence among the rappers. Eminem is among rappers who have developed negative or opposed the association of hip hop with gay marriage. In one of his song the “ Rap god”, Eminem openly discriminates against any rapper who openly associates with gay marriage. In this song, Eminem points out how rappers supporting gay marriage should be taken out of the hip hop music industry (Source 2). Eminem’s rap is an open discrimination, clearly speaking about breaking a motherfucker’s table over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it half, this clearly shows one who can not work with any ones associated with gay marriages or homosexuality.

T- Pain
T- Pain is another rapper who still holds negativity about gay marriage association. In his interview, T- Pain explains how many rappers would work with any rappers associated with gay marriages. T- Pain specifically talks of many rappers have promised not to work with Frank Ocean (Source 1). This based on the fact that Frank Ocean went against all odds to support gay marriages. From this interview, someone gets the understanding that most of the rappers are under pressure to oppose gay marriages or any other thing associated with gay marriages.

Examples of Support and Change from Artists
Despite the fact that many rappers are oppose gay marriages and have vowed not to work with ant rapper supporting or working with any rapper who clear support practice, some rappers have gained confidence to let the world know the sexual preference. From the situation created by rappers opposing this practice, it is clear that rappers like Jay Z, Azealia Banks/Angel Haze and Frank Ocean have risked their association with other rappers in the industry to let people know their sexual preference (Source 3). From the stand taken by these rappers, it is clear that most homosexuals have been hiding under fear of being discriminated or attacked by the sexually straight individuals.

Acceptance Sells, Promoting Equal Rights and Smart Marketing Plan
Although some rappers have openly discriminated against rappers associated with homosexuality, some have realized the need to accept their homosexual situation. Some of the rappers like Macklemore, Frank Ocean, Jay- Z and Beyonce have realized the need to accept and embrace those involved in gay marriages. Acceptance has made rappers like Frank Ocean famous thus giving the much publicity for coming out of darkness to declare their sexual preference. Many people within the society have considered rappers like Frank Ocean to be heroes who are ready to fight their rights in any way under any situation. This has been the platform on which Frank Ocean has sold and achieved the high status the Rapper has been enjoying (Source 4).

As opposed to the discriminative faction led by Eminem, Frank Ocean and other others like Beyonce, who have embraced the reality, and support for these people has taken new status of steering the fight for various human. From this angle, Frank Ocean, Jay- Z and Beyonce are now more concerned with motivating other member of the society to come and let people know the sexual preference rather hiding in pain and emotional suffering (Source 5). The collaboration of Frank Ocean, Jay –Z and Beyonce is an effective marketing plan which has helped many understand that homosexuals are part of the society and thus should be treated same (Source 6).

Limitations and concerns
T – Pain and Frank Ocean are rapper with opposite stands. However, the stand taken by T- Pain and other rappers like Eminem is soon being eroded thus creating a big blow or limitation on the side. From this point lit is evident that the discrimination strategy on Frank and other homosexuals is soon failing. From the interviews, a number of rappers are changing their stand thus embracing the fact that homosexuals are part of the society, thus need support from the straight rappers.

Frank Ocean and the team also face limitations. The limitations of this faction are based on the fact that other part of the society oppose their homosexual acts or gay marriages on the basis of moral grounds.

Summary and Conclusion
From the studies, it is clear that hip hop and homosexuality are not compatible. However, some hip hop rappers have come out to express their sexual preferences and other who are straight also coming out to help these people.

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