
Argumentative Outline: Increasing the Drinking Age to 25 Years Old

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Topic: Increasing the Drinking Age to 25 years old.
General Purpose: The general purpose of this outline is to present arguments for increasing the drinking age to 25 years old.

Specific Purpose: The specific purpose of this outline is to persuade people that the legal drinking age needs to be raise to 25 years old in the interest of public safety as well as the safety of those ages 21 through 24 who are more likely to die in drunk driving accents that any other age group.

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Central Idea/Thesis Statement: Nearly one out of every three drunk driving fatalities involves someone between the age of 21 and 24 years old; therefore, raising the legal drinking age to 25 years old will help save lives and preserve public safety.

One out of every three drunk driving fatality victims is between the ages of 21 and 24 years old.

Twenty one through twenty four years olds are qualified to serve in the armed forces for this country, raise children, and hold important jobs, however, they have been shown not to be responsible enough to consume alcohol.

Approximately 12,000 people a year die in drunk driving fatalities across the country and more than one third of these people are between the ages of twenty one and twenty five years old according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Raising the legal drinking age to 25 years old will cut down on the number of drunk driving fatalities; thus, saving lives and preserving public safety.
Transition: Throughout this outline, I will state arguments in support of raising the legal drinking age to twenty five years old.

The legal drinking age needs to be raised in response to the percentage of drunk driving accidents that involve fatalities where the drunk driver is between the ages of twenty one and twenty four years old.
Twenty one through twenty four year olds account for thirty four percent of all drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes in the United States.
Young people are more likely than older people to be involved in fatal crashes at all level of blood alcohol concentration.
Younger drivers are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol.
Younger drivers are more inexperienced drivers.
The higher the BAC of the driver, the more likely the driver is to cause a fatal accident.
Raising the drinking age has been shown to decrease the amount of alcohol consumption among person who are legally able to drink.
Younger people are more likely to binge drink.
Transition: It is important to take into account the safety reasons for other privileges when considering raising the legal limit to twenty five for safety reasons.

There are many laws for public safety and in the interest of the public that have higher age limits that are twenty one or higher.
State laws have raised the age required to own a handgun, enter a casino, adopt a child, and run for public office.
You cannot own a handgun in most states until you are twenty one years old.
At the point when the age has been raised from eighteen in the interest of public safety, the legal limit for drinking can be raised to 25 in the interest of public safety.
You cannot run for many public offices until you reach the age of thirty to ensure that you are responsible. If twenty one through twenty four year olds are not responsible enough to drink the age limit should be raised.
Transition: There are critics that claim that the legal drink ages is already too high. They believe that raising the legal limit would have little effect on safety on the roadways.

Refutation Argument: The raising the legal drinking age would make those between the ages of twenty one and twenty four more likely to binge and overdoes on alcohol.
According to ABC News, raising the drinking age make drinking more attractive to young people.
According to the Huffington Post, the legal drink age is the most violated law in the country.
Raising the drinking age promotes binge drinking.
Raising the drinking age promotes drinking behind closed doors for the purposes of drinking

Refutation Argument: Raising the drinking age should not be credited with a decrease in drunk driving fatalities between the ages of 18 and 21. Therefore, it is not effective.
Education can be credited with decreasing the number of drunk driving accidents in this age group.
MADD and other organizations went on a campaign to educate young people about the dangers of drunk driving.
Public awareness about drunk driving accidents was increase around the same time the drinking age was raised.

Impact Statement: There is nothing to prove that the raising the legal limit encourages drinking. These young people who drink illegally would probably drink the same amount legally if the limit were lower. In addition, public awareness was not as effective as making sure there were penalties for providing young people with alcohol and making alcohol harder to buy in reducing fatalities in that age group.

One out of every three drunk driving fatalities involves someone between the age of 21 and 24 years old; therefore, raising the legal drinking age to 25 years old will help save lives. Younger people are less experienced both with drinking and driving. This coupled with the fact that younger people are more likely to drink and drive makes it important to consider raising the legal limit to 25 years old. Other laws in the public interest have higher age limits.
The legal limit for the purchase and consumption of alcohol should be raised to 25 to make our roadways safer.

  • Jacinto, Leela. ‘Should the Drinking Age Stay at 21?’ ABCNews.com. 1 June 2014. Web. 25
    October 2014.
  • Tracy, Sam. ‘Is the National Drinking Age Doing More Harm Than Good?’ The Huffington Post.
    23 January 2014. Web. 25 October 2014.

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