
Railway in Qatar

538 words | 2 page(s)

Many Doha residents consider the railway system currently under construction as one of the biggest projects in Qatar. The construction aims at reducing traffic congestion in the city as it is a major hindrance to development and a source of many complaints from the residents. Studies indicate that completion of the railway system will reduce traffic congestion by at least 20%. However, there have been some disagreements among the residents. Some of the residents agree that the railways system is an effective solution for the traffic congestion while others disagree with this notion citing that the costs of the railway heavily outweigh its advantages.

One of the factors that will lead to traffic decongestion on completion of the railway is the railway’s potential to save both time and money. The railway system can transport more people in the same direction per unit time and at a cheaper cost than any other transport system. Not only is the railway system a cheaper mode of transport but it also save time in that trains have a specific arrival and departure times and they are not subject to traffic jams. Furthermore, the railway system will provide a better method of transportation for foreigners, tourists and workers visiting the country. For example, purchasing new vehicles and paying for gasoline provides high costs for these visitors a factor that discourages most of them from visiting. However, the reduced commuter cost will encourage more of these visitors from to visit Qatar. Furthermore, fewer vehicles owned by these foreigners and tourists will translate to reduced vehicles on the roads therefore minimizing congestion.

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The second factor leading to the reduction of traffic congestion is an elimination of the need for personal drivers for every personal vehicle owned by residents. For example, when family members are attending a family reunion, they usually commute using different vehicles to get to the reunion and leave the reunion. However, the railway system will provide a more attractive option since the family member will be able to arrive and depart together and therefore they will opt for the railway transport. In the process, the number of vehicles available on Doha roads is further reduced.

However, some residents of Doha argue against the installation of the railway system saying that the railway has more demerits than merits. These residents argue that it is ineffective to use the railway transport in preference to their high-value luxurious cars. Also, these critics argue that the cost of installation of this railway outweighs the benefits that it will bring to the city. Contrary to this belief, the benefits will outweigh the costs. In the short run, the costs may be heavier than the benefits, finally outweighing the cost in terms of the reduction in traffic congestion. In the end, the amount lowers the cost of transport into and out of the city for businesses as well as reduced commuter costs.

In conclusion, construction of the railway system is of great significance to the residents of Doha city. Not only will the railway system reduce congestion within the city, it will also decrease the cost of transportation within the city. Also, it will encourage more tourists to visit Doha due to the reduced congestion and decreased transportation costs.

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