
Bible Based Investing

791 words | 3 page(s)

This paper will investigate how it may be possible to invest money in way which is commensurate to the teachings of the Bible. It will argue that the Bible not only provides a way of thinking about what investing money involves, but also that it provides a framework in which one should feel confident about success and also seek to combine this confidence with honesty and fair dealing in business and in investment.

The first thing which I would state the bible may say about investing is that it is very often the case that those who trust in God and are steadfast in their opinions and beliefs are rewarded and that these rewards often come in the form of both spiritual serenity and of material benefit. For example, when Solomon asks God for to become the wisest king in history, he is rewarded not simply with wisdom, but also with vast riches and wealth. When Solomon asks for wisdom, then God responds with the promise that He will give him wisdom, but also that he will give him ‘both riches and honour all you life.’ (1.Kings.3.14) From this it can be thought that the Bible encourages careful and sound investment and, as such, it is important to consider all options for investment carefully and not to make rash decisions. This would impact one’s practice by likely making investments which a few but which are solid and well-thought through. It would also mean that one’s clients are secure and that they come to trust one as a careful investor who is careful with their money. It is likely that they would look on such a person as an inherently reliable and decent person and as such that they would continually invest money with them. This would be both good for business and for one’s general spiritual well-being.

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The Bible also teaches temperance in the sense of taking on too much credit with regard to investing and can be seen to encourage one to remain as independent of debt as is possible. Provers 22:7 states that; ‘The borrower is slave to the lender.’ This can be seen as a warning of getting into large amounts of debt and losing one’s autonomy, both as a business person and as a human being in the world. This is likely to impact on one’s business by once again encouraging slow and thoughtful, through which success and accumulation may be achieved as a result of slow growth over several years, rather than as the result of an attempt to turn over a quick profit on a particular loan or debt. This is also likely to lead to one’s customers coming to trust one as they realise that any success achieved is based on sound thinking and careful development, rather than a rush which could equally turn fall away as it does not have solid foundations.

The Bible also encourages innovation and development when it comes to investing and actively encourages believers and business people to seek out new opportunities and to think creatively. In Mark 2.22. Jesus states to the keepers of the law that; ‘No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.’ This could be shown to provide a framework and encouragement of creative thinking. One must seek out new opportunities for new ideas. This is likely to lead to a situation in which one studies markets carefully, and attempts to find new ways of investing money or goods. It is also likely to mean that one’s clients are aware that their money may be put into new projects and would mean that one would need to educate and relay the efficacy of these projects to one’s clients. However, this activity should be combined with the temperance and wisdom which was stressed earlier, and then it is highly likely that the new investments would be successful and that they would lead to a good return for both oneself and one’s clients.

In conclusion, this paper has argued that the Bible can be seen to offer at least two possible guidelines for investing. The first of these is temperance and care and the building of solid foundation rather than a reliance on credit. The second is the capacity to think creatively and to seek out new opportunities rather than settling for what is immediately present and available. Were these two qualities to be combined then it is likely that one would continue to make successful investments, both for oneself and for one’s clients.

  • The Bible: An Ecumenical Study Edition. Translated by Michael D. Coogan et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.

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