
Bioarchaeological Investigations at Berkchister Parish

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Identify Evidence
The following Berkchister data does demonstrate specifically health outcome change or changes over time. The time is denoted by the deterioration of tooth enamel which is a process of time and wear.
Enamel hypoplastic defects are present in 10.3% of individuals (Level 6).

Research Question
With the aforementioned evidence, the following research question is postulated.
Is there a link between the deterioration of tooth enamel to yield caries, and disease leading to poor health outcomes?

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The aforementioned research question as derived from the evidence presents the following hypothesis.
The low presence of enamel coating the teeth and the presence of caries is correlative to other sustained injuries associated with physical violence with traumatic injury identified between Level VI & Level VII samples.

Identity Evidence #2
The following Berkchister data does demonstrate specifically health outcome change. The body trauma experienced by the victim whose skeletal remains were examined was at a rate of 11.8%.
Turning to the skeletons from the Level 4 burial mounds, this time I’ll highlight skeletal evidence of trauma. 11.8% of individuals from burial mounds have evidence of trauma (Level IV).

Research Question #2
With the aforementioned evidence, the following research question is postulated.
Was the trauma of the skeletons of the Level IV burial grounds indicative of tough hardships that lead to violence?

Hypothesis #2
The aforementioned research question as derived from the evidence presents the following hypothesis.
The environment at times was bare to the point of food scarcity which pitted tribes against tribes to yield, for example, cranial trauma.

Based on the evidence provided by the skeletal samples, the overall health of the inhabitants found in the burial mounds did indeed decline through time. The evidence is essentially provided in two parts. First is the declining dental condition with higher rates of caries and second is the percentage of skeletal remains that show trauma as a cause of maim or death. In combination, the overall level of health over the time period for the community surrounding the burial site had declined for reasons likely relating first to the environment then second, to social behavior.

The main factors that would lead to the evidence include changes in environmental and social factors which drive social change. When food becomes scarce, culture keeps tribes united however the social structure becomes disorderly as the social network is not tied to the culture.

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