
Black Fish Scene Summary

323 words | 2 page(s)

This paper will discuss the documentary “Black Fish.” The documentary covers the story of the capture and training of orca whales and how they are displayed at sea world. In particular the film focuses on an orca called Tilikum who was captured and was involved in the deaths of three people. The film also deals with the consequences of the way that Sea World works, while paying attention to how exciting the shows are. This paper will discuss one scene that shows these elements of the film together.

The passage in the film that I will talk about takes approximately three minutes and covers several different kinds of media. It tells the story of how a trainer called Dawn was killed at Sea World. It begins with an interview of Dawn, where she is young and energetic and shows videos of her riding on the whales in the theme park and talking about how much she loves her job. Her colleagues are also interviewed and they say things about how nobody expected that someone like Dawn would be killed. After having continued like this for approximately two minutes, the video cuts to a black screen and a typewritten message appears across it, copying a police interview. A voice is then heard interviewing someone who say that they have seen Dawn be killed by the whale in graphic detail.

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This scene covers many of the elements in the film. It shows how Orca’s are beautiful and exciting and also shows the genuine thrill of the work done at Sea World. However, by cutting in the way that it does, the scene also expresses the film’s concern with the unpredictability of whales and the events that they are involved are basically unnatural and criminal. As a whole the film explores the tensions between these things and the scene that I have described is the first in the movie to introduce and to work through them.

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