
Blondes Are Smarter

330 words | 2 page(s)

Blondes have more fun-or so the well known adage goes. What people may not know or understand though, is that blondes are also smarter. Being blonde gives one keen insight into the human condition, a more compassionate nature, and the ability to learn and retain vast amounts of information. Contrary to what the “dumb blonde” jokes may indicate, blondes are, in fact, smarter than brunettes and redheads.

Blondes have the uncanny sense of keen insight into the human condition. With this sense comes the ability to be able to gauge how people are going to act or react in any given situation thereby giving blondes an advantage in academic, social, and business situations. For instance, blondes know how to play on the “dumb blonde” perception so that they can, in effect, manipulate a situation to their advantage.

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Blondes are also more compassionate than their redhead and brunette counterparts. Where does compassion fit in with “smarts” one may ask? Having compassion for one’s fellow man is akin to having a deep understanding of his feelings. For example, if a blonde’s friend loses his dog that he has had for fifteen years, the blonde immediately knows the correct thing to say and do. Brunettes and redheads do not have that gift.

Being able to learn and retain vast amounts of information is a hallmark of the blonde haired person. Scientists have discovered that there is a direct correlation between memory and cognitive retention and hair color. Perhaps their blondness enables them to be able to soak up the information. It is still a mystery that has scientists stumped.

Blondes are definitely smarter than the rest of the non-blonde population. Scientists have examined this phenomenon and discovered it to be true. Blondes also have a keen insight into the human condition along with a capability for deep compassion. This, along with their ability to learn and retain vast amounts of information makes them a truly superior specimen among their fellow man.

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