
Breastfeeding versus Formula

665 words | 3 page(s)

In recent years, proponents of breastfeeding have become very vocal in society. These proponents argue that babies achieve tremendous health benefits from breastfeeding as opposed to formula feeding. Others maintain that not all women can breastfeed their infants, both for physical and practice reasons. They argue that infant formula provides adequate nutrition for an infant. They do not believe that women should feel forced by society into breastfeeding. In order to further understand the issue, it is important to have a solid background on both forms of feeding. Overall, breastfeeding is the best for the baby. However, there are reasons when it cannot be done or is not practical.

Breastfeeding, of course, is the most natural way to feed an infant. Before the invention of formula, babies who could not be breastfed were given some form of milk as a substitute. Infant formula, however, is readily available for infants to bottle-feed. Health care providers are willing to discuss the benefits and challenges associated with each type of feeding. On average though, health care providers encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies for a number of reasons. These include health benefits for the infant and mother. An important health benefit for the infant is boost to the infant’s immune system. Infants do not have a well-developed immune system. However, when a mother breastfeeds, she shares her immune system with the infant. For this reason, infants who are breastfed exclusively have less ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections and even meningitis (Kids Health).

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In addition, infants who are breastfed receive nutrition that is easier to digest for the baby. This may result in fewer digestive issues. Individuals who are breastfed are also less at likely to develop allergies, SIDS, obesity and even diabetes later in life. Breastfeeding is also free as opposed to significant costs associated with formula. Other benefits include that there is no preparation involved. A woman has milk available at all times in all places. However, it is important to realize that society often responds negatively to a woman who breastfeeds in public (American Academy of Pregnancy).

However, some women cannot breastfeed for medical reasons. This includes women who are HIV positive. In addition, some women may suffer from other health conditions that makes it impossible to breastfeed safely. Some medications that are required by a woman can be passed to the infant through breast milk. This is not safe or healthy for the baby. Formula feeding provides a safe and healthy alternative. Some infants may have trouble digesting the formula. Often, a mother may have to try several types and forms of formula before finding one that works best for her baby. It can be done however.

In addition, with bottle feeding, the father or other relatives may feed the baby. This does all the father and other relatives to experience some bonding with the baby. Also, some babies may be allergic to foods in the mother’s diet, such as dairy products. A woman who breastfeeds does not have to change her diet when using formula. It is also more comfortable for the mother. Many women complain of sore breasts and nipples as a result of breastfeeding. Also, some women merely do not enjoy the feeling of breastfeeding. A woman may not like the feeling of a baby latched on to her nipple. It may create issues for the woman with body image. It is important to recognize this. Breastfeeding is not the perfect way for all women to feed their babies. They should not be made to feel guilty by society for what is essentially a very personal choice in their lives. It should be respected (Stoppler).

Breastfeeding is the better option for an infant. It provides the infant with protection from infections and illnesses. It also provides the infant with food that is perfectly balanced and digestible. However, not all women can breastfeed for a variety of reasons. These women should not be accused of providing inadequate nutrition for their babies.

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