
Business Personal Statement

396 words | 2 page(s)

From the time that I was seven years old, I have been a self-starter, motivated by the desire to perform tasks in new ways and to bring a creative edge to everything that I do. When my family had yard sales, I suggested that we also offer drinks and foods for a discounted price, cans of soda in coolers and snacks such as chips and homemade baked goods available for purchase. I also knew how to apply to a person’s sympathy, bringing my young cousin around with me when I had to sell fruit and candy bars for my sports’ teams. This entrepreneurial spirit has never left me, which is why I would like to apply to your Regents University in London to study business and marketing.

I feel that I have the personality and traits needed to excel in a business and marketing career. One of my strengths is my creativity. I am not one to just stick with the tried and true. I am constantly thinking of novel methods to promote products, as well as thinking of innovative products and services that can sell well in the market. Businesses such as Apple Inc. have done a great job staying fresh and innovative, their newest iPhone 6 just another way to introduce a new type of technology to give its company a competitive edge it has maintained throughout the years. I would like to eventually own a company that emulates Apple’s incredible success.

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Being able to establish a good rapport with people and to connect with individuals on many levels is also important in the business and marketing world, an ability that I possess. People who are well liked and are perceived as trustworthy are more likely to develop successful business relationships. I treat everybody with respect and have good moral and ethical standards that I follow. I am also a good communicator, which is another necessary skill that is needed in the business and marketing field. In addition to these traits, I am hard-working, diligent, and resilient. Not one to get discouraged by failures or if things do not turn out the way that I want, I regard setbacks as opportunities to learn, grow, and develop character and tenacity. I feel that I am good fit for your business and marketing program and hope that I have the opportunity to attend your institution.

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