
Children in School: Critical analysis

878 words | 3 page(s)

The main purpose of attending school is to acquire education. However, some children in school lack the motivation needed to achieve what is required from the school. According to an article by Allan Wigfield and John T. Guthrie, in their book “Motivation for Reading”, it is evident that some of the children lack motivation and for this reason, they end up performing poorly in school. The authors of this article discuss the reason some children choose to read while other do not take reading seriously (Wigfield &Guthrie 57). The information in this article is related to issues addressed by the discussions made by the education psychologists on the issues that affect the reading behaviors of some children. The author relates education to a cognitive process that requires an effort from the child and a logical decision on whether to read or not to. By focusing on assessment and instructions given to children, motivation in school is very crucial and is a major determining factor of the general performance of a scholar (Wigfield &Guthrie 58).

The authors of this article intend to inform the parents, teachers, children, and all other people that are concerned with the well-being of children in school. For instance, the authors have based their argument on conducted research and also from findings done by the education psychologists such as the National Reading Research Center (NRRC). After a more than four-year research program, the center could come up with justified reasons as to why children require motivation for reading. The idea represented in the article clearly explains the purpose of the author to publish the particular article (Wigfield &Guthrie 57). The article is quite informative, and many ideas can be developed from it that might help in changing the [perspective of some people towards motivating children on how to acquire good reading habits.

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The author has ensured that for every idea developed; there is a justification to support such as from previous research findings. Therefore, the author ensures that he persuades whoever takes time to go through the article and maybe it could be of help to them. The informative nature of this article is facilitated by the fact that the author has conducted enough research on the issue he discusses in the article.

The main idea in this article is to ensure that every individual is informed on the issues that affect the reading behaviors of children, and advises on how to ensure that the issue does not affect the people we care about (Wigfield &Guthrie 57). The main ideas in this article compliment that the thesis statement of that they are all in line with the topic being discussed. All the ideas in this writing do not stray from the main purpose of writing the article and hence, the flow of the writing is consistent and justifiable. The author has ensured that the writing is succinctly written to avoid any confusion to the people reading it. The writing structure is also in line with the topic under discussion. The authors’ transition from one idea to another is quite effective and serves its purpose right that is delivering the intended information.

The authors’ main audience is the parents and guardians who have their children in school and also the teachers as they are the ones who spend most of the time with the children. For instance, the author ascertains that the parent’s beliefs about their children’s nature of reading are a major contribution to the children’s motivation. He also argues that the learner’s motivation can be enhanced in school by the teachers, and this can help the learners to have a different perspective on education. The article’s nature ensures that the intended audience gets the information in a way that does not oppress them (Wigfield &Guthrie 58). The author also directs his message to the educational psychologists to whom he thinks that they can explore and come up with other helpful information that can help in motivation the learners.

Lack of motivation from learners is a matter of concern and worth writing about because it is not only in schools that motivation is essential, but also in workplaces. However, the motivation matter in children is controversial as reading requires not only motivation but also the willingness to sustain the stresses that are associated with learning. Motivation and the willingness to learn must go hand in hand for the children to be successful. The subject matter in this article is of current interest, and if well implemented, it can help solve some of the problems faced by the children in school (Wigfield &Guthrie 57).

The author uses an exposition language to pass his message. For instance, he uses sources from other writing to justify his findings and to ensure that he does not cause confusion to the readers of the particular article. The author draws his arguments from justifiable sources and hence, the content intended to reach the audience is passed on easily (Wigfield &Guthrie 57). The language used by the author helps the reader to generate ideas on how to improvise the information discussed and make it helpful. The piece is quite informative, and the intended message has been passed. However, it would be advisable if the author had made it a bit longer to contain more details on the subject matter.

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