
Climate Change Nova Scotia

743 words | 3 page(s)

The issue of climate change has been of growing interest in the recent years. Environmentalists and earth scientists are partnering with governments and non-governmental organization to address the issue of climate change. This information is well presented in websites. One such websites is Climate Change Nova Scotia. The website is dedicated in developing policy through its Climate Change Unit directorate for mitigation and adaptation which results to the delivery of Nova Scotia’s Climate Change Action Plan. Other websites in the same category include Green Learning Foundation and the David Suzuki Foundation, which will be compared against each other.

Climate Change Nova Scotia support increased public awareness and understanding of climate change, the science behind it, how it impacts the environment and what people can do to reduce it. There are other sites such as Green Learning Foundation and David Suzuki Foundation which seek to address the same concerns. Climate Change is authored by the climate change directorate which formulates policy for reduction and adaptation of global warming. The website provides facts regarding climate change and uses other credible sources to supplement the information provided in the website. Different links which are credible including Department of Energy’s renewable Energy have been provided to expound the readers understanding on facts about climate change, and what one can do to reduce its impact. The website partners with government and non-governmental agencies in delivering its action plan on climate change. The website is based in Canada and has unbiased information regarding climate change, since its focused on broadening awareness and understating of climate change in the general public, experts and scholars. Similarly, David Suzuki Foundation and Green learning Foundations are dedicated towards providing information on climate change and the way people can reduce it.

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Information presented on Climate Change Nova Scotia is valid as it only provides facts about climate change. The information presented on the website is supported by different sources which are credible. The arguments presented are impartial and are not intended to proof any opinion or to dispute other arguments. It is solely intended to provide the necessary knowledge regarding climate change, its impact and what can be done to mitigate it. This is also the trend in the other two websites. There are no adverts on this site and the website is clear from other information that is not concerned with its main objective of providing information on climate change. David Suzuki Foundation and Green Learning Foundation also have got no ads. Instead, Green Learning has the logos and names of their sponsors on their site. The information provided on all the three sites is up to date. Even though no last updated date is indicated on the sites, the copyright of the sites is 2014, meaning the website is up to date. Climate Change Nova Scotia is useful to any person with interest in climate change matters including scholars, teachers and the general population, so is the David Suzuki Foundation. On the other hand, Green Learning Canada is meant for teachers and scholars. The information on Climate Change Canada ranges from basic to advance. There is a carbon calculator that one can easily use to determine carbon emission of various activities. The website provides a couple of approaches that people can adopt to minimize climate change in Canada. Similar information is presented at David Suzuki Foundation website. The approaches are tailor-made for Canada in all the three sites. This makes the websites connected to relevant audience.

Climate Change Nova Scotia, David Suzuki Foundation, and Green Learning Foundation are based in Canada. The information used is from Canada based resources. This is due to the fact that the sites are customized to address climate change applicable to Canada. However, this does not restrict this knowledge to Canada as it is universally applicable in other environments.

In conclusion, Climate Change Nova Scotia is a website that is based in Canada providing useful knowledge and understanding on climate change issues. The theme or the objective of this site is similar to that of David Suzuki Foundation and Green Learning Canada. The sites use other links based in Canada to supplement facts about climate change and what can be done to mitigate it. Ultimately, Climate Change Nova Scotia is reliable and has adequate information for scholars, teachers and environmentalists in general. I would recommend people to use this site for information regarding climate change regardless of their location, since climate change is a universal issue.

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