
College Cheating Scandal

382 words | 2 page(s)

According to Ramberg and Modin (2019), cheating is a common element in many academic institutions. However, the question of its ethical standpoint has been questioned severally. For instance, in the case where the student is copying a math’s exam from another individual, there is a primary ethical concern whether to punish either the copier or the other who exposed their work. The dilemma comes along as there is no standardized concept of physical cheating. In light of Hosny and Fatima (2014) argument, cheating has only being limited to plagiarism and other forms of electronic copy pasting rather than the physical looking at the math’s test.

The student’s moral culpability can be determined by identifying whether the cheating was intentional. The student could have intentionally referred to the other works without their knowledge. Additionally, her moral standpoint can also be determined whether the deception was for reference only. In the case where she was confirming whether she had jolted the right material is understandable. On the other hand, if she was intentionally using the work of her counterpart as her own, her moral standpoint can be undermined and deemed not worthy. In the scenario mentioned above, where she was confirming the correct math’s application, her actions could have been morally justifiable.

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It is possible that she justified her action by pointing out that she was a morally upright individual who did not require to cheat but was only counterchecking her work. Sousa et al. (2016) identify that cheating can also be facilitated in a passive sense by classmates. Thus, she could have justified her action as working for the greater good of helping the weaker students. Furthermore, in such a scenario, I would have explained my actions as not being cheating to avoid punishment. Notwithstanding, I would have also apologized for the move to show my ethical morality.

  • Hosny, M., & Fatima, S. (2014). Attitude of Students towards Cheating and Plagiarism: University Case Study. Journal of Applied Sciences, 14(8), 748-757. Doi: 10.3923/jas.2014.748.757
  • Ramberg, J., & Modin, B. (2019). School effectiveness and student cheating: Do students’ grades and moral standards matter for this relationship? Social Psychology of Education. Doi: 10.1007/s11218-019-09486-6
  • Sousa, R., Conti, V., Salles, A., & Mussel, I. (2016). Academic dishonesty: effects on the ethics education of health professionals. Revista Bioética, 24(3), 459-468. Doi: 10.1590/1983-80422016243145

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