
Education and Future Career

617 words | 3 page(s)

My future career is environmental engineering. I have had many career influences in my past, but my primary experience has been in renewable energy. This experience draws from my life in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. The city of Masdar nearby operates primarily on renewable energy. This is not due to a shortage of natural resources like oil, but rather because renewable energy is sustainable and less pollution inducing and promotes cleaner living. It is here in Masdar, that one will discover the future of sustainability, and it is here that I plan to explore my future career. Here one can discover what Masdar refers to as the highest standards of life, in a city where the environment is least impacted by pollution via commercial activities. Natural resources have served humans for years, but like any product derived from the earth and overused, they will eventually run out. The process of using them causes pollution.

Masdar is located in the center of a place where natural resources are abundant, something that is lacking in most other places in the world; the future of the world isn’t in oil however, it is in sustainability. Most people in the world today live in cities; there is a tremendous need for engineers that can help create more sustainable cities. Communities are needed where technologies can be utilized on much larger scales than they are currently being built today. My past has taught me how valuable frugality is, and the value of energy management and conservation. Achieving a sustainable future is central to the success and viability of future generations, not just in Abu Dhabi, but throughout the world. Energy management, water management and waste management are vital to the success of future generations. A sustainable city is only as successful as the environmental engineers that are capable of planning, engineering and sustaining it.

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The world has far too long relied on oil, natural gas and coal to fuel its needs. Most traditional fuels draw on resources that will eventually run out or become very expensive to utilize. Renewable energy however, including solar and wind energy, are widely available and will continue to be available as long as the sun shines and the wind blows. As a responsible engineer, my goal includes learning to drive energy into life-supporting power sources. Many renewable sources of energy throughout the world are still underutilized including geothermal energy sources and hydrogen energy sources through water. Renewable energy is not only useful, but also environmentally friendly. My goal includes studying the environment more to help advance the use of renewable energy sources on a much grander scale than they are being used today, so that the region I live in can help lead to way in sustainable living and reduced environmental waste and pollution. Environmental engineering can also help improve public health by reducing toxic exhaust into the environment and by examining the effects of consumption on the environment from industrial sources.

I have learned that the clean living experienced in places like Abu Dhabi has a profound effect on people, not just aesthetically and mentally, but also from a physical perspective. In looking at the profound pollution experienced in many other places in the world, I am convinced that my education and career will have a tremendous influence on the world and in shaping how energy is used in a beneficent manner. I hope to use the skills I gain to help harness the power of energy in new and creative ways, to help benefit not just people, but also the planet we all live in.

  • Masdar City. (2013). Sustainability and the City. Retrieved November 15, 2013 from:

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