
Communication and Culture

315 words | 2 page(s)

Effective intercultural communication can assist with the problem of international conflict in a variety of ways. First of all, intercultural communication will help engage people from various nations into humanitarian cooperation. In the situation where the scarcity of food and water resources is leading to increasing competition for land and water, humanitarian cooperation is the key to solving the issue of conflict over the resources. In particular, cooperation on the international level can ensure food availability, help avoid detrimental competition, and provide for lasting political viability.

Next, intercultural communication can help resolve political issues that divide states within the globalized world. These issues are the potential sources of conflict and, owing to intercultural communication, they can be resolved through dialogue and subsequent agreement. One example is the U.S. confrontation with China over human rights issues.

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Further, world peace can be maintained through sustaining effective intercultural communication by preventing the spread of nuclear and chemical weapons. One example is negotiations with Iran and the representatives of from France, Russia, Germany, China, the UK and the U.S., which aimed at preventing Iran from further development of nuclear weapons.

Additionally, intercultural communication can help manage the danger of global terrorism. Through intense cooperation between the members of the international community, the threat of terrorism can be neutralized, through high-quality coordination and overcoming cultural and language barriers.

Moreover, intercultural communication is the tool of preventing conflicts on the basis of religious divisiveness, ethnic violence, and nationalism. Some of examples of these threats are Russia’s nationalistic claims on the territory of Ukraine, Nuer and Dinka tribes’ competition over resources in Southern Sudan, and the confrontation between Buddhist and Muslim communities in Myanmar.

Besides, intercultural communication could help resolve long-lasting territorial claims, such as over Kashmir region, between India and Pakistan.

In this way, intercultural communication can bring about the world peace with regard to different political domains.

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