
Communication Homework

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If you were to form your perfect group, what people will be on it?

The composition of teams is important in the sense that it determines its effectiveness. Thus, my perfect group must have a shaper. The shapers are impatient, argumentative and proactive implying that they will be the outgoing and dynamic members of the group. Importantly, the nature of the shapers will help the team to make decisions and come to an agreement because they are usually keen on removing barriers and ensuring that their underlying groups are in a better position of embracing change. Apart from that, I will also consider the consent of involving the implementer in my group because they are usually responsible for ensuring that group discussions have been transformed into practical. In addition to that, I will also consider the inclusion of the completer or the finisher in my perfect group because of their nature of finishing tasks. Their nature of working to meet targets deadlines will be an important aspect that will improve the functionality of the group. As if not enough, the team will also be comprised of the coordinator. Usually, the coordinator is a charismatic individual who is great at clarifying objectives and goals thereby helping to allocate duties and responsibilities within the group. Furthermore, I will also have a team worker in my perfect group. Understandingly, the team workers are usually pivotal in ensuring the team members have been encouraged into undertaking particular tasks and roles. I will also have the resource investigator who can negotiate beyond the team group level. I will also consider having the plant in the team because of their innovative nature. Apart from that, I will also consider having a monitor evaluator because of their abilities in evaluating the proposals that are made by the group members. Finally, I will consider having the specialist in my perfect team because of the specialty and technicality that they demonstrate in particular areas.

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If I want to apply for a teaching job at Apple what steps do I take to apply and interview, assuming there is such a position?
The first step will be to prepare my application and take it to the right stakeholder. If my application is received favorably, the next steps will involve preparation for the interview. It is at this stage that I will consider putting on professional clothing because it is imperatively evident that the administrators or the recruitment team will be looking at the aspect of a role model for me. I will also conduct a coherent research about Apple and its teaching profession including its underlying missions, visions, academic programs and co-curriculum activities. That will help me answer the question on why I would love to work at Apple. I will also consider preparing a list of questions to ask the recruitment team or the school administrator. I will also prepare the documents that I will be required to carry with me such as the resume, cover letter, my original certificates and other relevant samples that I would love to leave to the recruitment team or the administrator.

During the interview, I will keep time by ensuring that I have arrived 10-15 minutes earlier. I usually find it logical to lobby rather than rushing during the last moments. I will then ensure that my cell phone is off before getting started for the interview. In the course of the interview, I will make sure that I have listened to all the questions in a careful manner and use examples from my professional experience to supplement some of the answers that I will be providing. I will also ask questions to show that I have done my homework. At the end of the interview, I will express my interest in the job position. It is at this stage that I will justify that I am interested in the job. I will ask about the hiring plan and when I should be expecting to hear back from them. Finally, I will write a thank you note as part of my follow-up measure.

What was your favorite part if the class?
My favorite part of the class was to learn about the role of teamwork in the school environment. I find that interesting because I learned a lot of things that I had dismal knowledge about in the past. For instance, it is in the course of that class that I was able to understand that the use of teams is important in helping the weak students to develop at the same pace with the rest of the students. As a matter of fact, it became apparent to me that during teachings, some students are usually left behind because they are slow learners. Thus, the use of groups is important because it revives their learning to ensure that they have recovered. I also found the role of teams important because it enabled me to have a clear overview of the some of the students that have excelled through teamwork. In the event of arguing, various ideologies and concepts come up thereby helping the students to grow intellectually.

It is also during that part of a class that I was able to learn more about the techniques of forming a perfect group in school environments. For instance, it became apparent to me that it is important to have both the bright students and the slow learners in the same group to have a sense of balance. I also had the opportunity to understand the role of each team member and how to help the students select a team leader to coordinate their undertakings. The class was engaging because we were free to share our views with the educator and consequently receiving quick responses to our concerns. By the end of the class, I was satisfied with the teaching because it had intensified my knowledge a great deal. As a matter of fact, I was ready to implement what I had just learned into practical.

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