
Comparison and Contrast between Public and Private Schools

856 words | 3 page(s)

The schools in the world today can be categorized into two distinct types, private and public schools. The essay explains the major similarities and differences between the public and private schools across the globe. Both the public and private schools follow a certain curriculum that set by the relevant education authorities, the instructors of both the public and private schools must a certain academic qualification and the ultimate aim of both the public and private schools is to enhance academic proficiency among the learners. The most common differences include the source of funding, cost of attendance and the population of students. The similarities and differences show the existence a big gap between the two types of schools. Therefore, the choice of school by the parents depend on various logistical considerations.

The private and public schools have different attributes in common. Both the public and private schools follow a certain curriculum that set by the relevant education authorities, the instructors of both the public and private schools must a certain academic qualification and the ultimate aim of both the public and private schools is to enhance academic proficiency among the learners. In order to ensure there is consistency in the education systems, both the private and public schools follow a standard curriculum that is set by the relevant administrative bodies and agencies, there are quality assurance officers who supervise both schools to ensure that they comply with the required standards. In order to acquire competence, the instructors for both the private an public schools must acquire the qualifications required for their level of teaching, this is essential because it assisting in upholding the educational standards in both the public and private schools. Both public and private schools educate the students to acquire the skill that are necessary to make them knowledgeable professionals in future. Therefore, the similarities between the public and private schools imply that both types of schools must be determined to ensure that the learners have the required education so as to progress to the next levels of academic achievement.

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The structural and cultural orientations of the systems in private and public schools exhibit differences. The most common differences include the source of funding, cost of attendance and the population of students. The public schools are funded by the government depending on the number of students and the location where the school is situated, on the other hand, the funding of the private schools relies on the parents the learners and the amount of money is determined by the administrators of the schools. Most of the public schools are very cheap for the parents because most of the expenses and instructors are facilitated by the government as compared to the private schools where the parents have to pay for the infrastructural improvements in the school. Unlike in private schools where there are limitations in their admission of students, the public schools do not have the bound for the admission process and this makes the public schools to have very high populations that lead to congestion. Consequently, the nature and setup of the public and private schools plays a very big role in promoting the educational stratification that creates the differences.

The manifestation of the similarities and differences is an indication of the social disparities that exist in the society. Most of the similarities that are evident in both the public and private schools are administrative while others are as a result of the moral and ethical protocols that guide the education systems in order to achieve the eventual goals of educations. The differences that are evident between the public and private schools have been shaped by the reality of the social differences regarding the various socio-economic groups that exist in the society. Thus, the existence of the public and private schools are created by the limitations that are created by economic capabilities among the parents and it is playing a big role in enhancing the differences in the quality of education that exists in the schools. So, the social status of the family is likely to determine the quality of education the children acquire and the type of treatment they can be exposed to in these schools.

In conclusion, the type of school a parent takes a child depends on the limiting factors in the schools. Assessing the similarities and differences of both public and private schools, the quality of education in the private schools is very high because the type of funding the schools acquire enable them to adopt very high-quality resources. The continuation of the current trends indicates in the schools indicates the evolution of the educations system will continue propagating divergence that will cause the escalation of the quality differences among the schools in the future. The ultimate effect of the divergence is that the quality of the education in the private schools will continue increasing while decreasing in the public schools and the public schools will remain for the rich in the society. Since education is power and authority, the rich are likely to have a more supremacy over the poor which will increase the gap between the two social classes.

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