
Consumer Attitude and Marketing

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Assessing Findings on Consumer Attitudes about Personal Information and Purchase Behaviours
Consumer attitude involves the thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and feelings on actions, things or any business activities in the market or any platform of business. The consumer attitude helps in the determination of buying and selling trends of given goods in the market. Consumer attitude is composed or contributed by cognitive information, sentimental information on products and consumers and information concerning a consumer’s past behaviour and future intentions in regard to the buying of the given product or using a certain platform. The rewards or loyalties that may come alongside giving out personal information may also influence the attitude of the consumers being that they are bound to gain in return. In the current world, consumers are not at ease while retailers and other business practitioners are using their personal information to determine the market trends (Azam & Qiang 2014, pp 200-201).

According to the author, the consumer concerns about the use of personal information are very minded by most consumers in the world today. The author’s results show that most of the consumers contacted in the survey do not support the selling of personal data from one company to the other. The use of personal data in occasions where one’s consent is not involved is not supported by most people. This is an invasion of primary territory, and that is privacy invasion and denial. Over 46% of the people who were involved in the survey differ with the concept that companies sell personal information to other companies, something that is more realistic and in line with the current situation in the world market. As much as the consumer attitude on the use of personal information is changing, and more people are getting swayed to give out their personal information, lots of people still mind about the use and spread of their personal information (Graeff & Harmon 2002, p 303). The findings under this part are well endorsed and convincing.

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Getting to the findings in the article, a high number of the people involved in the survey supports the control over the use of personal data by the companies. This will give them the opportunity to control the kind of information used and shared to the “public.” The use of credit card and provision of loyalties give them thoughts of changing their attitude, but still they feel it’s necessary to control the kind of information flowing to the public. Most of the consumers are fighting to get the opportunity to be informed on how the companies use their personal data on their buying habits (Seung-Hee, Kwangho & Workman 2014, p 97). This is very realistic as they tend to control how and for what reasons the companies use their personal data in the market. This is morally accepted since no one will be willing to discuss his or her private life freely with others.

On the analysis of the buying habits and trends, customers linked to the internet marketing are more likely to allow the use of personal information on their buying trends by other companies. There are motivations in the use of internet to buy goods and access services from different companies. The internet retailers and other online companies are interested in changing the consumer attitude over the use and selling of personal information on buying habits to other companies. This is linked to the loyalties that come alongside the selling or sharing of such information. The customers though tend to have a say on the use of such information they tend to accept the benefits. Most of them still feel that that is their private lives; and whatever they buy from the online companies should not be shared with other companies. They urge or rather support the move to involve the government in the control of the use of such information (Graeff & Harmon 2002, p 308). The exchange of selling such information to other companies with free videos or music from the internet has tried to change their perceptions. These are realistic result as most people in the real world would today want to control what information that goes to the public and ensure their privacy is not all that infringed (Swilley, Hill & Hampton 2013, p 174).

Synthesis of Variance in Demographic Market Segments and Internet Purchasing
Age, income and gender determine the levels and rates of purchase on the internet. High-income consumers are more likely to purchase goods through the internet platform and were more likely to plan future purchase even during the Christmas period. This is because they always want first-class goods which are often posted to internet retailers and other companies. The rich also never feel the impact of the cost of accessing the internet. Older customers are less likely to purchase on the internet since of the lack of insight and ability to get access to the internet. They prefer to use their credit cards in shops directly (Seung-Hee, Kwangho & Workman 2014, p 98). They are not likely to buy Christmas presents because they do not have a passion for presents anymore.

The older people and those with less income were highly concerned over their privacy. This is justifiable through the little accessibility of internet by these segments of the market. The old often tend to be more confidential and secretive on their privacy than the young and high-income customers. The use of internet in purchasing is a means of sharing personal information with others in the same platform and therefore choosing to use it as the rich do implies the satisfaction in the sharing of personal information with others (Graeff & Harmon 2002, pp 319-310). The buying patterns of the consumers should be shared with other companies but the consent of the customers. They should always have a say about the use of such private information. This is compelling and realistic to the current consumer traits (Azam & Qiang 2014, pp 203-204).

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