
Continuing Nursing Education

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Health care is very dynamic in the world today. This is because it experiences massive transformations with time. Therefore, it requires high levels of flexibility from the healthcare service providers and administrators. Thus, to acquire the high levels of standards required to facilitate acquisition of competence, professional and educational development is very essential. This is very essential to assist in improving the quality of services that are offered. This is also very essential towards the acquisition of information that assists in the development of knowledge (Skees, 2010). However, the nursing profession is characterized with numerous challenges that may obstruct the progression of education in practice.

Nursing is a profession that engages an individual in lifelong learning processes. This is because in order to acquire the latest techniques related to patient care and the application of the evidence based practices, it is important to embrace research activities. This is also very essential towards the growth of critical thinking and technical skills so as to enhance progressive provision of the essential healthcare services. Continuing nursing education is one of the most practical and realistic way of advancing educational development. This has various benefits towards advanced nursing practice. However there are also challenges that are related to continuing educational development (Skees, 2010). This is based on the fact that nursing is a professional that is guided by a set of professional ethical standards (ANA, 2010).

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Continuing education in nursing is very essential towards promoting the nursing code of ethics. This is because it advances formation of skills that assist in enhancing communication and relational expertise. This is very important in the formation of strong professional relationships. This can promote the acquisition of respect, compassion and integrity, this is also very essential in assisting the nurses to uphold integrity to humanity through taking considerations to all patient without partiality. This through considering all so economic and social status of various health problems (ANA, 2010).

Continuous education promotes the acquisition of basic nursing, scientific and medical knowledge. This assist in updating the healthcare professionals on the latest practices and processes (Skees, 2010). The application of evidence based practices is very essential towards enhancing safety on both the nurses and the health care consumers. It also assists in reducing medication and diagnostic errors and thus increasing the accuracy of healthcare practices. This is very essential in upholding the commitment of nurses to provision of high quality healthcare services as outlined in the nursing code of ethics (ANA, 2010).

Educational development for nursing is very essential towards increasing the wisdom for the nurses. This wisdom enhances the nurses’ capability to make critical decisions related to healthcare. This is very essential towards the provision of various services to the health care consumers (Skees, 2010). This is very essential in increasing accountability towards any judgments made on the activities related to healthcare. This also aids advancement of various levels of engagement and collaboration with the patients to address any issues related to healthcare. This is also essential in the determination and adherence to the professional boundaries that assist in guiding advanced clinical practice.

However, continuing education may lead to lack of adherence to the nursing code of ethics. This is because education and research is an activity that requires a lot of time. This is because establishment of both theoretical and practical educational resources requires high levels of commitment. Therefore, they may lead to consumption of long periods of time that a nurse may have spent with the nurses. This may lead to the violation of the code of ethics as outlined in the nursing protocols (ANA, 2010). This is because nurses have a professional responsibility to attend to the patients. Nurses should show high levels of commitment to service delivery to the health care consumers.

  • ANA, (2010). Professional Code of Ethics for Nurses. American Nurses Association. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org
  • Skees, J. (2010). Continuing Education: A Bridge to Excellence in Critical Care Nursing. Nursing Center Publication. Retrieved from http://www.nursingcenter.com/lnc/static?pageid=1130713

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