
Corporate Social Responsibility Program

386 words | 2 page(s)

Corporate social responsibility correlates with the actions that companies do towards the community, the environment, and social causes. Today, many corporations are engaging in socially acceptable and responsible behavior as part of their day to day operations (Creel, 2012). CSR benefits companies by showing a positive image to the public and also creating a workplace with low costs, happy customers, and satisfied employees.

A program involves five elements, the first is the vision. In an outlet mall, establishing working definition and vision for CSR shows how the management perceives its social and business environment. A vision such as one that aims at pushing their limits to achieve customer satisfaction. The second is coming up with a governance blueprint, which needs to be done in three levels; first is the development of a customer-centric leadership structure, aimed at stimulating cross-silo activity. Second is leaders committing to serving as role models to ensure that customer experience goals are delivered and the third is putting in place a good metric and incentives necessary for alignment of siloed units to cross-functional teams (Duncan, 2018). The roadmap involves three decisions; the organizational approach to use, sequencing and the impact timing. For this firm, we chose to push on functionally so as to give the customer what they think is best by asking what we could improve on. For the sequence, we found it better to move one activity at a time, so as to build morale. An activity such as taking suggestions from customers. For impact timing, we decide to handle the first activity suggested to us such as more tellers to serve more customers. The next is metrics objectives, for this one, the corporation decided on hard metrics to monitor the performance of the organization’s health. The last is the change management principles. Transformation in large scale requires a change in behavior to achieve the desired results (Neilson, 2004). The firm chose to start impacting from the top, start the changes from there and have to see the workforce deliver downstream results.

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  • Creel, T. (2012). How Corporate Social Responsibility Influences Brand Equity. Management Accounting, 13(4). Retrieved from https://www.imanet.org/
  • Duncan, E. (2018). Designing and starting up a customer-experience transformation. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/
  • Neilson, G. L. (2004, March 1). Ten guiding principles of change management. Retrieved from https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/

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