
Craig Calhoun’s “Religion’s many Powers”

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Craig Calhoun, in the final chapter, examines the powers religion possesses over the global society. He presents that religion can bring out varying behavior where it may be inspiring, provocative, threatening, and consoling. Calhoun provides that it all depends on how religion is presented to the society and the intent it carries. It is for this reason that he claims religion is a way to make peace or make war. Religion is a fascinating sensation that even the educated in society fail to agree with simple aspects. Calhoun claims that it is for this reason that debates involving religion in the public sphere come out as confusing. He goes ahead to show the power of religion in an example of the abolition of the slave trade. The central theme during the fight for the ban on slavery was the claim that the entire society had sinned. In this case, religion was the primary factor towards the abolition of slavery where it was perceived as redemption for a sinning society.

Also, religion gets provocative and threatening when the Western community developed anxiety towards Islam. It emerged after the Palestine and Israel conflict generated terrorist attacks directed to the west. The power of religion continues where it gets to fight for the needs of society such as better schools, inequality, and poverty. It also influences politics as Calhoun observes it played a role in the opposing the Vietnam War. The involvement of religion in almost everything concerning society led to the debate on how much it should inform the public sphere. Despite the majority preferring religion to stay private, it has not been the case as religion remains a significant influence in the political, economic, and social aspects of society giving it considerable power in the public sphere.

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As Calhoun presents, there are many ways in which religion influences or has influenced major events in society. It means religion is dominant and could be the reason for peace or the cause of war. For instance, terrorism emerged as a result of conflict based on religion. However, in the concept of the public sphere, religion is argued to be part of the great debate involving matters of the public good. It can be a basis to support or oppose against a specific aspect that matters to society. For instance, the issue of the rights of the gay community has received different approaches in the argument for and against its support. In some cases, religion has been used to argue against homosexuality considering it immoral, while on the other hand religion has been used as a basis to support these rights. Nevertheless, for this debate to come to an acceptance of the gay rights, it required effort from the public sphere where a rational and critical debate was conducted alongside religion.

As much as it may be perceived that religion has control over the public sphere, it ought to be understood that the public sphere is a realm of cultural formation. Also, it is not all about the argument but it involves other significant aspects such as celebration and recognition, and creativity and ritual. Religion and the public sphere all care for the wellbeing of the society and attempt to enable the community to make the correct decisions. Although, to some extent, it can be observed that religion with its much influence is a critical determinant of the outcome of various issues affecting society. It should also be understood that the public sphere has its power, as well, and can influence the outcome as much as religion.

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