
Interview with Pastor Gene Hebert

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The interview took place with Pastor Gene Hebert of the Living Hope Church in Beverly, Massachusetts on _______ ___, 2014. Pastor Hebert had an established relationship with the church for 32 years. The first 17, he attended as a member or layperson and the last 15 as its pastor. He was ordained in 1999 in the Church of The Nazarene. Pastor Hebert was chosen as a good candidate for this interview because he is young, inspirational and accessible as a church leader.

Many of the questions I asked Pastor Hebert at the beginning of the interview were to grasp his early influences prior to deciding to become a pastor. Gene shared that many people had made a significant impact in his life, but that two in particular he named as being the most influential as mentors: Larry Crampsey and John Bowen. Hebert discussed how both these men put a lot of time into his early life as a Christian. He talked about how they were excellent examples of “what a disciple of Christ looks like.” Hebert explained that the example these two men demonstrated in his life was one that he strives to emulate as he interacts with others and guides the church congregation. Hebert also named is father as having been a mentor to him and to having made a huge impact in his life.

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When I asked him about what the most important decisions he has to make as a leader of his organization are, he responded simply that the decisions that have an impact on other people are the most important decisions he needs to make on a regular basis. He makes these priority and weighs the outcomes in making his final decisions and takes the responsibility of this task very seriously.

Next, I asked the Pastor about how he combats the tendency for the “institution” of the congregation to dampen the inspiration when it grows in numbers. Firstly, he agreed with this “conclusion” that this situation does tend to occur. Second, he answered by remarking that one way to keep this from happening is to always listen to those around you and to get others involved in the choices we make as a church and to never forget who we serve. I also asked about how he encourages creative thinking and he named being a good listener and being an inclusive leader, meaning letting everyone have a voice even if you believe their ideas are out in left field. This goes a long way for not stifling the creative process and by inviting varied opinions. He made sure to mention that transparent and open communication is the way to accomplish this.

My next set of questions was related to mission, values and vision. Pastor Hebert said that he relied on core values the most because out of them comes mission and vision. He also explained that the church conveys core values through Board meetings, preaching, teaching and most importantly living them out, being a living example. Hebert also included that he found that core value transmission “must be part of the DNA of the church” and that “all of the leaders must not only believe in the core values but also be living them out in their own lives.” This to me was an excellent response because it speaks to integrity and trustworthiness that we need of a spiritual leader. Additionally, the Pastor sets aside specific times to cast vision to employees and other leaders at yearly retreats, the monthly Board Meeting along with staff meetings, as well as having all Ministry leaders report on how planned activities will line up with and support the church’s core values. Also, when new staff are onboarded, they are given a mentor for six months and they can bounce questions off that person and also watch how the minister conducts affairs.

I next asked the Pastor more personally directed questions. First I asked him what every leader should possess, and he answered “resolve.” Next, I asked him what he thought were the biggest challenges facing spiritual leaders today. He answered “believability and relevance” and I think these two guide him as a pastor. He is also wary of the mistakes that other spiritual leaders make such as losing the passion for what they do and becoming married to their role in the church instead of their own wives and family and friends. He also stressed the importance of continuing to spend time with good leaders for their own personal development. Hebert also explained that he practices awareness that he is married to his wife and not the job and “that God wants me to put him first not the ministry.” These answers paint a humble and spiritually centered leader who strives to balance his personal life and service to God equally.

My interview with Pastor Hebert was inspiring and also humbling. He is a man who lives his values and strives toward embodying Christian ideals. He seems to integrally understand the importance that integrity and living upright mean in the Christian church, yet, understands how to be an organizational leader and manager. What further impresses me about Pastor Hebert is that he is as present and dedicated to his own personal growth as he is with leading others. This seems to be a very necessary focus for leaders so that they show their congregation their successes and challenges, and thus become a more credible leader. I think it is very dangerous when a religious leader pretends to be pious and only focuses on what others need to work on instead of seeing those same deficits and defects in themselves. For example, when I asked him the more difficult questions about how he navigated adversity and decision making, his answer was to pray. This is telling because he relies on his faith to guide him which is exactly what Christ did and taught others. In conclusion, my interview with Pastor Gene Hebert was very valuable and insightful into his leadership style, how core values are transmitted and lived at Living Hope Church, and his personal philosophy on how to lead and work collaboratively with his staff and Board.

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