
Creating and Analyzing Data

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Based on the provided data, one can sort the total cancellations column to identify underperforming sales consultants. After sorting the data, three outliers were identified with 2, 5, and 13 cancellations. To qualify as an outlier, one can compare the data in the number of total cancellations to that in the total contracts. This comparison will help provide a percentage of the contracts a sales consultant has had cancelled based on what they have worked on.

In October 2014, Victor Manuter had two cancellations out of 4 contracts he had, which represents 50% of his contracts. Jaqueline Buster canceled 5 out of 11 contracts, which represent almost 50% of her total contracts despite earning a significantly high total sales. Jennifer Jones had a cancellation of all of her 13 contracts.
Jennifer Jones also appears in this list in November of the same year with cancellations for all of her five contracts. While Benjamin Frank was not on this list in the previous month, a cancellation of 10 out of 11 contracts is a key concern. The same case applied to Debbie Smith who had 13 cancellations out of 14 contracts.
Debit Smith and Benjamin Frank appear in the same list in December with almost similar cancellations as they had in the previous month. Other sales consultants in this group include Micah Rae Justin, Vanessa Hansen, Jennifer Jones, Jeremy Nova, and Carol Wiare. Therefore, the company should put measures that focus on ensuring that only the best sales consultants are employed (Whistman, 2016).

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The company can achieve this goal by training a good sales team and only employing sales persons with a good track record. Besides, empowering salespersons through bonuses based on contracts they can keep is critical to having a good team (Tracy, 2015).

  • Tracy, B. (2015). Sales management. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association.
  • Whistman, J. (2016). The sales boss: The real secret to hiring, training and managing a sales team. Hoboken: Wiley.

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