
Creative Project

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Artwork is one of the greatest elements of passing information within the society. The best artists have deployed the use of painting, poetry and writing among others. The painting provided for this study can be interpreted and linked to various situations or other art works. The first point to note is the attachment or relation of the painting to a weeping woman. It is from this point of interpretation that it is possible to relate the painting to Prometheus Bound, Grasserie’s Lute  and  Zahak, The Dragon King which depicts situations which promoted weeping as portrayed by the painting.

Prometheus Bound
The painting in the study gives a picture of weeping woman. Weeping is a condition which is not normal within the society and only comes when something goes wrong within the society. Prometheus Bound presents a rebellion which led tragedies which subjected everyone to great pain. Various tragic happening within the society cause both physical and emotional pain to members or victims. The case of the weeping woman depicts a situation high emotional pain. The woman is totally disturbed by the loss of life caused by the Aeschylean tragedies which affected people both directly and indirectly. Prometheus Bound presents a situation of tyranny and friendship; this clearly depicts the existence of opposition on one side. Before the rebellion which led to the tragedies, the environment was field with love and care. The rebellion and tragedies which followed has brought as sorrowful environment of tears which only be compared to the weeping woman.

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Grasserie’s Lute
This is a poem narrative that tells the story of an arrogant and immoral warrior in ancient Ghana. Gassire was a warrior who could be described as an arrogant and obsessed with everlasting fame and immorality. From the painting provided, the first picture or interpretation one develops is a tired woman with various challenges beyond human control. Women are believed to have the high levels of endurance within the society to manage various challenges. However, the weeping state of the woman in the painting depicts massive challenges which exceed human heart control. This closely associated to the situations created by the high levels of immorality and arrogance which Grassire subjected the people to. Grassire gave up everything to gain immortality through the Dausi, a song that allowed the exploits by Grassire to live for long. However, not everyone within the society enjoyed the immoral life led by Grassire. Due to this most of the society members always complained; with no change. Being a great warrior and a bad hero within the society, the people had no choice but live with such a bad warrior and indication of giving up. This situation is similar to the weeping woman in the painting who has given up due to a heavy burden.

Zahak, the Dragon King
Zahak, the King of Dragon ruled on command and little freedom for the people of Arabia. During this time, the society experienced high levels of immorality and violation of human rights. All these activities presented Zahak as a heartless ruler or King, who believed in command and harsh control. Due the power and control Zahak enjoyed; people had very little to do to change the leadership style of Zahak. The demands and commands of Zahak were too heavy to handle, only the strong in mind and body could manage the situation. The weeping woman represents the weak who could not manage the harsh leadership of Zahak. The description Zahak gives the picture of real monster able to scare and punish one who fails to comply with the demands. Zahak is described monster with six eyes, three mouths, cunning, strong and demonic. From the description, under Zahak, the whole society was under hostage.

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