
Art Essay Examples

Industrialization and the advancement of technology brought a great danger to the world of fine artists. Their works were becoming easier and easier to duplicate. Some artists could even begin to produce more than one copy of their work. This caused a major switch in the way people buy art....

740 words | 3 page(s)

Is there a theory of art that can be applied with equal success across "schools," mediums, and historical periods? Or do these all require their own critical approaches? One can go further and ask whether specific elements found in artworks across these boundaries require individual interpretive techniques. Textual content, for...

2028 words | 6 page(s)

Nick Cave's “Soundsuits” are a mixture of fashion, sculpture and performance which generate a complex series of meanings. They draw on the history of the idea of the ready-made or found object and also on ideas of ritual, modernity and the possibility for fantasy within the contemporary world. Each of...

607 words | 3 page(s)

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It is interesting how new genres in art are often dismissed by the same societies inspiring the evolution. Nations and cultures change, artists respond with new ways of seeing, and publics and critics are usually uncomfortable with the art reflecting the changes. This was the case with the rise of...

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In one of his writings James Porter, the famous founder of African American art criticism, the writer of the texts on history of African American art makes a point saying: “Their art is that of the common people, not simply because they themselves belong to the masses, but also because...

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Artwork is one of the greatest elements of passing information within the society. The best artists have deployed the use of painting, poetry and writing among others. The painting provided for this study can be interpreted and linked to various situations or other art works. The first point to note...

619 words | 3 page(s)

We buy art and art pieces because it moves us or as some people might say, “it spoke to us.” Generally this means that there was something about that particular piece of art that touched you and that you instinctively knew would bring you a sense of joy whenever you...

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As movements spring up across Australia that celebrate underground urban cultures and social systems, the “First Coat” Street Art Festival in Toowoomba features fifteen legal graffiti murals. Reflecting a society willing to integrate and even compromise values. Part of a built environment and social system, graffiti murals are both influenced...

1628 words | 6 page(s)

When selecting art for a corporate environment, we need to keep two principal questions in mind. First, how well does a piece suit the physical space that is available for its display? Second, what does it say about the company - what image does it present - to both external...

966 words | 4 page(s)

For John Berger, it is clear that the invention of the camera and its widespread use in the reproduction of art works has fundamentally changed art in general, as well as individual works. Berger begins by insisting that if one is to understand this, however, one must understand that art...

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John Cage expanded our idea of what constitutes music. Often, his vision is misconstrued as identifying music in silence, which is unsurprising, considering that his lectures and writings have been published in a well-known book under that title. One of his seminal compositions, 4’33”, however, is not so much about...

597 words | 2 page(s)

In “The Business of Getting UP,” Droney discusses the nature of street art, especially graffiti. This art form, he claims, on the one hand subverts corporate marketing and production while at the same time advertises for other brand name products. For instance, the classic graffiti tags on a bridge or...

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It is very easy to appreciate art that I like. I admire its tiniest aspects and could spend literally ages with it. But what about art that is hard for me to perceive? Or works that I have a very hard time with admitting them to the realm of art?...

619 words | 3 page(s)

The Dadaist and Cubist art movements are clearly radical forms of opposition to traditional forms of art: in this, they share a commonality. However, at the same time, Dadaist and Cubist art possess their own logic of transgression and antagonism. In the case of Dadaism, their rejection of traditional art...

789 words | 3 page(s)

How does St. Anselm use the example of the painter to explain the difference between something that exists only in the understanding, and something that exists both in the understanding and in reality? How successful is this example in supporting the conclusion of his ontological argument for the existence of...

897 words | 3 page(s)

Russian art is unique in its grandeur and décor. In fact, Russian art derives its sense of artistry from Byzantium art and architecture with its focus on icons, gold inlays, mosaics and frescoes. Russian art is different than Western European Art because of its hyper focus on icons; something the...

293 words | 1 page(s)

This is a painting entitled “The Accident” by Willem Geets who lived between 1838 and 1919. This particular work was created in 1899 and the medium is using oil paint on a canvas (Nemerov 1). It is a very detailed painting, depicting many townspeople gathering in a crowd in front...

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One of the most inspiring, provoking, and memorable picture sin the entire Museum of Fine Arts in Houston was a painting from 1906 by Andre Derain titled "The Turning Road" (L'Estaque in French). The size is rather large measuring at four and half feet in width and six feet four...

579 words | 2 page(s)

Modern art is revered by some, and misunderstood by others. This point is amply illustrated in the New York Times online article Is It Art? Eyeglasses on Museum Floor Began as Teenagers’ Prank (May 30, 2016.) Two high school students decided to pull a prank by leaving a pair of...

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In theater and musical performance there are different ways for individuals to express social, racial and other forms of imitation in both positive and negative manners. One of the most infamous methods of social and political imitation in performance is blackface, which is defined as a performer who paints their...

1228 words | 5 page(s)

The first of my favorite works of art was Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s Jane Avril (1899), a lithograph. The piece is part of an ongoing exhibition at the MOMA which focuses on Paris during the time period of Toulouse-Lautrec. Whereas the lithograph of Jane Avril is remarkably simple in its composition,...

1092 words | 4 page(s)

Once considered the masterpiece of expression, classical music today occupies around four percent of the recorded marketplace. Since classical formats disappear from the airways and orchestras continue cutting budgets, some viewers blame this situation on the era of rock-n-roll explosion that took place in 1950’s. Other observers argue that the...

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Similar to most artistic styles and art movements, Islamic geometry “is interwoven with the history and cultural traditions of the region in which it flourished (Ateliers, 2013). While the Islamic faith dos not outright forbid the use of figural imagery, most interpretations of the Qur’an have discouraged the use of...

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The media is an essential component of society. Specifically, newspapers and music form an integral module of numerous societies across the world. The art of music usually thrives to feed the human soul while also painting a layer of emotions via songs. Music has been and remains a huge inspiration...

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The chosen photo is entitled March on Washington, DC, 1963. The photo was taken by a volunteer photographer Bob Adelman. It presents Martin Luther King during his most well-known I Have a Dream speech. The photo reflects on a moment that happened on August 28, 1963, and soon became a...

606 words | 3 page(s)

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