
Criminology in the Future

624 words | 3 page(s)

Future directions of crime fighting embrace social policy implications, civil and liberty violations, law enforcement measures, specialized crime-fighting methodologies, forensic technologies deployed to detect criminal activities. The research paper addresses the potential for specific crime fighting methodologies, including biometrics, cyber crime spyware, and DNA collection programs among others. The paper discusses the ways the evolution of crime fighting may affect social policy given national and international perspectives. The analysis concerns evolving law enforcement and forensic technologies utilized to detect criminal activities and the ways the evolving technologies relate to national and international policymaking.

With regard to feasible tools, criminologists will utilize DNA fingerprinting technology as a precise and reliable method of criminal identification facilitating criminal justice and forensic science. Short tandem repeats relate to investigation of human genome featured by short sequences are repeats. While the sequence and the length of these repeats are individual, forensic experts will utilize comparisons of DNA samples retrieved from one or two offenders. Currently, criminologists utilize the fingerprinting method that assumes the application of watery suspension of gold nano-particles to coat the marked surface. However, the gold compound method is inconvenient in reproduction and lacks stability. Instead, nanotechnology fingerprinting applies silver as an outcome developer in high quality prints in a matter of few minutes (Gaskew, 2009).

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While jurors mostly hold unrealistic expectations of forensic science, storing DNA samples on file seems hard to explain. In the future, social and ethical profiling from DNA will cause prejudices against people featured by specific DNA markers. Considering this, DOJ Fingerprint Act assumes amendments allowing the collection of DNA samples from individuals under arrest, or all those tried or convicted, or detained illegal immigrants. The DNA collection will concern only the individuals who applied for fingerprinting. DNA collecting agencies will forward samples to the Federal Bureau of Investigations for further investigation and analysis, and later to the Combined DNA Index System. At that, on all levels, the practice of collection, analysis, and storage of DNA samples should accord with high ethical standards assuming professional commitment and effective analysis.

Considering this, in the future, criminologists should emphasize on ethical actions that would suit the concerns of justice and enhance the reputation of the profession. In particular, new implications should exclude the possibility of government’s obtaining sensitive records under the Patriot Act and thereby violating privacy rights. Hence, in the future, crime fighting should prioritize on the rights of individuals as far as possible. To reach this goal, the crime-fighting domain should undergo rigid expertise. Furthermore, future crime policies should focus on safety and security of law-abiding citizens. Among others, the most serious issue on social agenda will concern the Internet and the way the global network will shape crime-fighting policies. Future criminal legislation should fit the crimes without infringing human rights. For this purpose, the criminologists will deploy the most innovative methods in the future crime fighting, namely: chips suited for criminal identification and tracking, biometric innovations, tech advancements in fingerprinting practices, Iris scan, facial and voice recognition, audio bugging and video surveillance, web bugging and spyware, as well as Radio Frequency Identification among others (Herman, 2011).

Overall, criminology and surveillance methods will become more advanced and innovative, while criminologists will make the best use of cutting-edge technologies on all possible levels. Regardless of the scope of policymaking, either national or international, new technologies know no limits or boundaries. This aspect much advances the quality of criminology and policymaking of the national and international structures. In this respect, technological interchange is crucial on all levels of operational activity.

  • Gaskew, T. (2009). Peacemaking criminology and counterterrorism: Muslim Americans and the war on terrorContemporary Justice Review 12(3): 345-366.
  • Herman, S. (2011). Taking Liberties: The War on Terror and the Erosion of American Democracy. Oxford. Oxford University Press.

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