
Criminology Responses

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The rate in which crime affects the social fabrics of the society is rapidly going out of control. I agree that the effects associated with crime are detrimental and can be relatively imposed to people directly or indirectly. (Akers, 1991)Considering that it is a deviant behavior, which is not acceptable and punishable under the rule of law, there are factors that influence the whole process of committing crime which are sequential and closely related to each other. Primarily, the intent of committing crime may vary but the most common one the immediate gratification. (Akers, 1991)
In this regard, there is a psychological implication that can be derived from having the desire for immediate gratification. The environment that children are brought up plays a huge role in shaping children’s future. In this case, children who are brought up not having what they desire end up finding ways to acquire them, even if they initially understand what is considered to be wrong. However, this is influenced by poor parenting where the morals standards of a child are not adhered to somehow the urge to acquire what they desire supersedes their moral value. Ultimately, they grow up having no guilty consciousness of their actions which may ruin their relationship with other people who seek to have an emotional connection with them. (Akers, 1991)

The rewards ripped from committing crime are illegally obtained especially when one seeks to obtain power, money and wealth for themselves. They obtain this stuff to satisfy their urges and desires and would do anything to maintain such status quo. In this way, crime is then considered as the only option to obtain the rewards quickly irrespective of which activities it might include, like murder, fraud or extortion. (Akers, 1991)The moral value will then be ignored when crime is on course and ability of one to evaluate the consequences of their action diminished. (Akers, 1991)Psychologically, actions are precedes by series of decisions that catalyzed the final act by an individual and if this process of decision making is bias towards their desires and urges rather than the constitute moral values from childhood, then a crime is easily executed with no remorse whatsoever.

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Response to Megan Downing
Crime is primarily executed under a well arranged series of choices that influence the decision making of criminal. (Cornish & Clarke, 1987)The objective derived from the decisions made is purely indented to benefit the criminal and for this reason the decisions are framed with outmost discretion. However, it is still a debate on the issue of whether the process in which criminals make their decisions is rational on the basis that the execution of crime is subject to choice. (Cornish & Clarke, 1987)

The decisions which criminals make, whereby it comprises of a framework of choices linked together to describe the criminals behavior, can be useful in developing crime control policies. The rational choice frame work describes the motive behind people committing crime. (Becker, 1968)It expounds the intent of an individual to commit crime, why by the criminals weighs the benefits likely to be gained or the losses to be incurred if the crime proceeds or they avoid crime as well. The drive behind committing s crime goes beyond monetary gains.

Irrespective of the amount of money attached to the crime, individual who have moral values would choose to abscond from criminal activities relative to those who don’t regard morality. (Becker, 1968)

There is a variation from different people about the probability of being arrested and punished. Some of the criminals are more inclined towards the assumption that there is less chances of them being arrested. (Becker, 1968)This prompts them to proceed with criminal activities irrespective of them risking to arrested and charged. The basic component that incites their actions is idea that they are better off when committing crimes from the gains acquired than any other gains they acquire from not committing. The elements comprised of this decision are still regarded as rational choice regardless of the nature of information they get to base their decisions. (Becker, 1968)

  • Akers, R. L. (1991). Self-control as a general theory of crime. Journal of qualitative Criminology, 201-211.
  • Becker, G. S. (1968). Crime and punishment: An Economic approach. Jouranl of Political Economy, 169-217.
  • Cornish, D. B., & Clarke, R. (1987). Understanding crime displacement: An application of rational choice theory. Criminology, 933-948.

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