
Why Crimes are Committed

682 words | 3 page(s)

When someone ends up in jail it’s important to understand that every crime is different, and every criminal is different. It is also understood that the constitution applies to inmates as well as those not incarcerated, which is basically that all are equal under the law.
A criminal has the right to be treated fairly according to the law and not be subjected to inhuman treatment. The constitutional rights should not be denied an incarcerated person. Making sure those right are preserved make for a more human environment. Another way of preserving a humane environment is to understand those that are being held in jails.

Each crime is different and each person that commits a crime is different, but certain theories do exist. Each theory is different and has strong points and weak points. Some will appeal to a correctional officer more than others based on their own life experiences. The reason theories are important is that knowledge of the people they are working with increases effectiveness and also provides safety as behaviors can be determined.

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The purpose of learning the theories behind crime makes is easier to work with criminals as it places the correction officer in a greater position of knowledge and understanding. The paper will look at the constitutional aspects of incarceration. Then explore why people commit crimes. Each theory will have the philosophy explained with its strong and weak points that define it. Criminal theory is very important to corrections officers as it provides a knowledge base for understanding of criminal behavior. Knowing why people do things allows the correction officer to make the best choices in interactions, decisions, and behaviors.
It is the thesis of this paper that knowledge is power and that understanding constitutional rights, criminal theory provides a correction officer important knowledge to increase job effectiveness, safety, and also the ability to enhance the humane and equal treatment of thosed incarcerated.

Part I Parts of the Constitution of the United States that are most relevant to the ethical standards of corrections professionals:
1-Prisoners do not have full Constitutional rights. However, the Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. This allows them to have a minimum standard of living. Prisoners also have right to due process retain plus the right to equal treatment regardless of race, sex, and creed. Yet, prisoners also have limited rights to speech and religion.
2-How to uphold the Constitution: Knowing the law and understanding what rights apply and being willing to uphold the Constitution when necessary.

Part II Theories on Crime: list of the major theories on crime.
1-Crime theories to be explored-Rational choice, Social disorganization theory: Strain theory, Social learning theory: Social control theory: Labeling theory: Biology, genetics, and evolution:
2-The major philosophy of each theory and its strong points and its week points.
b-Theories in practice:
1-How theories can be used by an officer
2- Knowledge as to why people behave the way they do provides a base of understanding that allows for more measured responses.

Part III-Issues Faced by Correction officers:
1-overcompesation to the unsafe work conditions
2-best response to learn coping skills and to understand the population the officer is working with.
1-oversight and actual cooperation
2-Best response: to be honest and to report those engaged in corruption.
c-Insularity or code of silence.
1-us vs. them mentality that leads to brutality, corruption or reluctance to make needed changes in a prison.
2-Best response: report issues and follow guidelines
d-Equal Treatment
1-Unequal treatment fosters resentment and violence.
2-best response: fair treatment
e- Conclusion:
The paper explains how laws apply to prisoner and also the theories of criminal behavior and how they impact the job of being a correction officer. The focus is on the theory that greater understanding of crime and criminal behavior leads to increased effectiveness and safety on the job. It is the contention of gothic paper than a greater knowledge of law and theories produces a better officer who will be fair in their treatment of inmates and be willing to protect their right while remaining safe.

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