
Cultural Development of Renaissance

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The Renaissance era was, generally, a cultural movement that involved learning about a classical rebellion, the advancement of linear aspects of painting, and steady and expanding reform of education. It is this intellectual restructure that has seen the Renaissance being understood as an anchor between the Modernity and the happenings of the Middle Age. Despite the Renaissance triggering numerous revolutions in several intellectual pursuits, including the upheavals of both political and social factors, it is best remembered for its artistic advancements and the provisions of features and geniuses such as DA Vinci Leonardo, Michelangelo and polymaths.

Michelangelo, in particular, is renowned for inspiring and coining the famous “man of Renaissance.” The Renaissance period was largely marked by immense creativity in sculpture, painting and literature. It greatly flourished in the 14th Century in Florence, Italy. Other cultural developments associated with it is based on the fact that many people rediscovered the dignified glories tied to the ancient Rome and Greece.

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There were also notable changes in the historical framework of art during the same era. For example, the wealthy members of the society began to provide support for artistic works. The common features integral to the development of art during the Renaissance involved the use of balance, proportion and perspective in efforts to make the work seem more realistic. There were also the uses of new skills and media, which produced real-life effects to the development of the arts.

However, cultural development during the Renaissance did not end with the arts. It also extended to the religious scenes and characteristics of the daily life. In fact, that factor is also evident in the modern era. Just like the past days, modern people still view Renaissance paintings as blueprints for mastering the art. Their artists need to show their prowess in painting, architecture, sculpture, and poetry if they should be considered Renaissance artists.

Western Europe produced important changes during the period. These changes led to the emergence of new types of states in Western Europe. The later 1400s saw kings in Western Europe pick up the left pieces by the turmoil in order to build stronger states that had gotten destroyed during the last century. In the process of unification, warfare and violence were involved. In England, the Aftermath of the many years of civil wars commonly known as the War of the Roses in 1455-1485 took over control of the throne.

France was badly hurt by the civil wars that had lasted for hundreds of years. The greatest challenge to the French Kings came from the mighty Charles the Bold. He controlled the Low Countries and Burgundy and also threatened to expand his powers and become a significant power in his right until he met up with a disaster. Spain got born in the 1500s.Spain was mostly united through the wedding between Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. It was now under the joint rule. The Spanish Muslim States got conquered in 1492.Germany fragmented after the century of the feuds and struggle of empires was over. The rise of the Hapsburg Dynasty revived the control of the imperial throne. Through many marriage alliances this family was able to control Austria, Hungary and the Low Countries. This emperor worked to the disadvantage of the Germans since it triggered a number of wars and saw Germany being ruined since it was a battleground.

By 1500, nation States evolved with their strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of these nation states based on four pillars of support. Money enabled the kings to pay armies that implemented bureaucracy and mercenary, and also in control of the Churches. Mixing both the modern and medieval elements in ruling the nation-states led to the transition of Western Europe from medieval to the modern era.

The Turks are Turkic small ethnic groups who speak the Turkish language; this person lived in the former lands occupied by the Ottoman Empire and the present day Turkey. On the other hand, the Mongols are a central and northern Asian ethno-linguistic group also living in china, Asia and former Soviet Union states. During the interaction between the Turkish, Islam and the Mongols was a high borrowing and exchange of culture, religion, social and political characteristics. This study highlight some of the results that were experienced due to the interaction of the said people.

Many Turkish who were imported into the Asian countries as slaves, both in domestic and military rose into high ranks and took over the Muslim empire builders. Trade activities in Indian increase that made India an active and significant sea-borne center, which trades which increased contact with the outside world. Trade increased the economic activities in India as there were now many people in the town who needed help. There was an increased warfare among the communities in the area due to political differences among the different tribes. The Turks and the Mongols sent armies to raid or invade North India; this contributed to the political division of India into small kingdoms. The maritime navigation and trade routes were established which were boosted by the invention of the compass and printing. Military skills from the Mongols, who were known to have military superiority, were adopted by the Indians. Additionally the widespread idea of treating everybody the same that was used by the Mongols was adopted in India.

Ideas, goods, and diseases were spread out in India the bubonic plague caused many deaths to the Indian. This was mainly contributed to the move of the Arabs the Turkish and the Mongols were converted into the Islamic religion where they also dropped their national identity. Culture and people way of life was exchanged during the period as witnessed by the way of dressing where the people from that area almost we wore the same kind of clothes like the women hijabs

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